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Aughney House Rathduff, Bagenalstown, carlow, NoneDescription:
Alterations, refurbishment and construction of single storey extension to the rear of the existing cottage, new vehicular entrance and driveway, new wastewater treatment system and raised bed soil polishing filter.
John Kirwan - Two Storey Extension 57 Saint Killian's Crescent, Carlow, carlow, R93 Y9P9Description:
The construction of a two storey extension to side of existing dwelling, connection to existing services and all ancillary site works
Institute of Technology Carlow - Sports Campus Development 5B Kilkenny Road, Carlow, carlow, R93 C9K3Description:
Development of a new sports campus , consisting of 1 no. Grass GAA Pitch, 2 no. grass Rugby Pitches, 2 no. grass soccer pitches and 1 all-weather GAA pitch, with associated floodlighting, ball catch netting, generator compound, drainage with associated site works including car parking, general lighting, boundary fencing , landscaping, footpaths, access roads and site entrance, enabling underground site works associated with a future phase 2 development at Mortarstown Upper, Kilkenny Road, Carlow.
Barry McDaniel Garage Rathcrogue, Rathcrogue, carlowDescription:
the construction of a domestic garage
Proposed extension to dwelling at 4 Bushfield, Ballinabranagh 4 Bushfield, Ballinabranagh, carlow, R93E025Description:
Proposed sun lounge to rear, porch to front and detached garage to side of existing dwelling at 4 Bushfield, Ballinabranagh, Co. Carlow
Ross Byrne & Helen Egan R726, killerig, carlowDescription:
Dwelling house with septic tank, percolation area, site entrance, bored well and all other associated site works
Funeral Home Carlow 8 Railway Road, Carlow, carlow, R93 E372Description:
The change of use of existing educational building as granted under pl ref: 12/6504 to use as a funeral home, also to carry out internal and external alterations to accommodate same, ancillary car parking, all ancillary site works and services
Kelly Precision Tullow Carlow 3 Bunclody Road, Tullow, carlowDescription:
Construction of a Single storey extension to existing industrial unit
Barry McDaniel M9, Carlow, carlowDescription:
The construction of a new one and a half storey dwelling, waste water treatment system, bored well and use of existing granted domestic entrance (granted under PL15/263) and all associated site works
Internal and external alterations and extension to the existing RTE transmission building at Mount Leinster Unnamed Road, raheendarragh, carlow, MK6 5EHDescription:
Alteration, demolition and extension to the existing TV transmission building at Mount Leinster