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Linda Kavanagh R727, Hacketstown, carlowDescription:
The construction of a one and a half storey dwelling, bored well, waste water treatment system and new entrance
JordanAgri Rathedan Carlow Ratheadon, Nurney, carlowDescription:
Construction of 2 No Portal Frame Units for the purpose of grain storage and all associated site works
Thomas Hennessy Garage 5 M9, Carlow, carlowDescription:
The construction of a double garage and all associated site works to the rear of granted dwelling (planning reference no. 15/4).
Single Classroom Extension - Scoil Peadar & Pol, Ballon Main Street, Ballon, carlow, R93 WE29Description:
A single classroom extension with associated sanitary facilities and related alterations to existing school building, and all associated site and ancillary works to Scoil Peadar agus Pol NS, Ballon.
New House & Garage, Lismaconly, Myshall, Co Carlow R724, Myshall, carlowDescription:
Construction of a single storey house and garage with new entrance, new septic tank with percolation area and all associated site works
John and Evelyn Murphy R729, St.Mullins, carlowDescription:
Permission for the erection of a dwelling house and domestic garage/store with treatment system & percolation area, utilizing and upgrading the existing entrance and all associated site works.
Thomas Hennessy 5 M9, Rathcrogue, carlowDescription:
The construction a one and a half storey dwelling, new waste water treatment system, bored well, new domestic entrance and all associated site works at Rathcrogue, Co. Carlow.
Material Alterations & Interior Works at Funfair Casino, Charlotte Street, Carlow Town 6 Charlotte Street, Carlow Town, carlow, R93 PC60Description:
Provision of 2 no. 2 bed apartments and an internal office area within the first floor area of the Funfair Casino building only. The works consist of material alterations and internal works only.
Application No.: -
Floodlighting at St Laurence O Tooles Athletic Club Askea, Carlow, carlow, R93 K5P2Description:
Installation of floodlighting on running track at St Laurence O Tooles Athletic Club inclusive of groundworks for mast bases and cabling.
New dwelling at Tomnasock, Old Leighlin, Co. Carlow. Lacken Road, Old Leighlin, carlowDescription:
The development will consist of the construction of a new 2 storey 4 bedroom house, including a waste water treatment system, site entrance and gate and associated site works