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1671 results

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  • Karl Nolan Connaberry, Ballon, carlow

    A new single storey dwelling house, new entrance to public road, septic tank and raised percolation area, connection to existing watermains and all associated works.

    17/198 View details
  • New Dwelling at Grange Grove, Tullow Road, Carlow. Grange Grove, Tullow Road,, Carlow, carlow

    The construction of a storey and a half type dwelling house and detached garage connection to services and all associated site works

    17130 View details
  • New Dwelling @ Kilmissan Kilmissan, Ballymurphy, Borris, carlow

    Permission for the erection of a dwelling house and domestic garage/store with treatment system and percolation area and all associated site works

    1751 View details
  • Mainstream Classroom, Office & Store Room Extensions to Borris Mixed National School Main Street, Borris, carlow

    Three, single storey extensions to the front and side of the existing building, at Borris Mixed National School, consisting of a Mainstream Classroom, Principal & Secretaries Office and Store Room off existing GP Hall, and associated external work.

    15/322 View details
  • Permission to erect an extension to the side of the existing dwelling Quinagh, Carlow, carlow

    (1) Retention permission for as built dwelling and (2) Permission to erect a 91m2 extension to the side of the existing 78m2 dwelling, construct a 35m2 domestic garage and upgrade the existing on-site effluent disposal system

    17117 View details
  • Aileen Candy Lyons Rutland Carlow Rutland, Bennekerry , Carlow Town, carlow

    Planning Permission is sought for the construction of a dwelling house, domestic garage, septic tank and percolation area and connection to services and associated site works at Rutland, Ardnehue, Carlow on behalf of Aileen Candy Lyons.

    17157 View details
  • agricultural development of a milking parlour in crowsgrove crowsgrove, kildavin, carlow

    constuction of a new milking parlour, holding yard, concrete aprons, entrance to yard and alla ssociated works at crowsgrove, Kildavin, Co. Carlow

    16/381 View details
  • Extension to Tinryland Fr Cullen Memorial National School Tinryland, Carlow, carlow

    construction of unit 1 prefabricated portable cabins to the rear of existing school

    17/213 View details
  • OPT OUT Dwelling Corrigan Bagenalstown Kilree, Bagenalsstown, carlow

    Opt Out construct a two storey dwelling, onsite wastewater treatment system, splayed entrance, bored well and all associated site development works

    17233 View details
  • Housing Development at Tullow Road, Carlow Tullow road, Carlow, carlow

    Phase 1 consisting of the construction of 107 houses at Tullow Road, Carlow Type A = 32 units Type B = 24 units Type C = 6 units Type C_H = 9 units Type D = 26 units Type E = 10 units Total = 107 units

    13296 View details



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