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Extension to Burnside Eurocyl, Carlow O'Brien Road, Carlow, carlowDescription:
Construction of an extension to existing industrial building with all associated site development works Burnside Eurocyl Ltd
OPT OUT Construction of a Dwelling at Kilcarrig, Bagenalstown, Co Carlow Kilcarrig, Bagenalstown, carlowDescription:
Opt Out Construction of a new single storey dwelling, new site entrance, on site waste water treatment system and all associated site works.
Toberbride Toberbride , Fenagh , carlowDescription:
Erection of fully serviced dwelling house, domestic garage, effluent treatment system, percolation area and all associated ancillary site development works including site access circulation boundary and landscape treatments at toberbride fenagh co carlow in accordance with the plans submitted with the application.
Extension to and renovation of residential cottage at Scortreen, Borris Co. Carlow Scortreen, Borris, carlowDescription:
The development will consist of the renovation of and alterations to an existing single storey cottage; construction of a new two storey extension to the rear and side of the cottage; new wastewater treatment system; new well; relocation of site entrance to location north of the existing entrance; renovation of and alterations to existing granite outbuilding; new boundary wall to road; landscaping and all associated site works.
Jason McAssey & Lisa Abbey Bohermore, Bagenalstown, carlowDescription:
A three bedroom single storey dwelling, garage/domestic store, new site entrance, sewage treatment unit/septic tank & all associated site works
Morgan and Joelyn Donnellan, Ballon Ballykealey Road, Ballon, carlowDescription:
Construction of a dwelling house, entrance, connection to all public utilities and all ancillary service associated at Ballon, Co. Carlow.
Change of Use from Restaurant to Childcare Facility at Teach Asca, Eire Og, O'Brien Road, Carlow O'Brien Road, Carlow town, carlowDescription:
Proposed Change of Use from Restaurant to Childcare Facility and all associated works at Teach Asca, Eire Og, O'Brien Road, Carlow
Lorcan O'Toole 16 Thomas Traynor Street, Tullow, carlowDescription:
Retention permission for the change of use from an existing two storey garage ( Pl 01/744)to existing ground floor garage space and first floor domestic residence with ground floor access and Planning permission for the change of use from existing ground floor garage area to domestic residence, alterations to front facade and a single storey extension to the rear of proposed two storey domestic residence, use of existing services, new domestic entrance, subdivision of existing site and all associated site works
Proposed alterations to existing dwelling at 59 Beechwood, Rathnapish, Carlow 59 Beechwood Drive, Rathnapish, Carlow, carlowDescription:
Permission is sought for alterations and extensions to existing two storey dwelling comprising of :removal of existing porch to side, extension of existing room to incorporate footprint of same, new roof with veluxes over existing/ proposed side extension, proposed windows and door to extension, new utility/WC internally, additional patio doors and alterations to existing windows to rear, veluxes to existing attic space, new front porch and all associated works at 59 Beechwood Drive, Rathnapish, Carlow
extend the existing parking area at Newtown National School, Newtown, St. Mullins Newtown, St. Mullins, carlowDescription:
extend the existing parking area by 15 no. additional spaces adjacent to the public road and to erect a new boundary retaining wall and sport field fence and all associated site works