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1418 - Clonmore GFC, Woodside, Hacketstown, Co. Carlow Woodside,, Hacketstown, carlowDescription:
Extension to the existing mezzanine floor, single storey extension to front elevation of existing clubhouse, together with internal alterations and minor elevational amendments and all associated site works.
Modification to Front Elevation Farrar's Tower Dunroe, Borris, carlowDescription:
The development will consist of the demolition of the two storey extension to the existing house which is listed on the Record of Protected Structures, the insertion of replica granite to reform the ground floor door opening and the first floor window opening.
OPT OUT William McHutcheon Ballyshane, Clonmore, carlowDescription:
The renovation of existing one and a half storey dwelling to include the construction of a one and a half storey extension to the side and the provision of a septic tank, percolation area and all associated site works at Ballyshane, Clonmore, Co. Carlow.
Opt Out Michael Gillespie 7 St. Lazerian Street, Leighlinbridge, carlowDescription:
To demolish existing single storey garage to the side of existing single storey dwelling and reconstruct a single storey extension to be used as part of existing residence (ensuite, walk in wardrobe and store ) minor external alterations to the front facade and all associated site works including widening of existing entrance and revised car parking layout at No. 7 Lazerian Street, Leighlinbridge, Co Carlow
OPT OUT Construction of an Extension at Dunleckney , Bagenalstown , Co. Carlow Dunleckney, Bagenalstown, carlowDescription:
OPT OUT Construction of a proposed extension to existing dwelling with the provision of onsite wastewater treatment system and all associated site development works
Erection of a dwelling house at Rathgeran, Ballymurphy, Co. Carlow Rathgeran, Borris, carlowDescription:
Erection of a dwelling house (change of house type from plans approved under Planning Reference No. 13/212) and all associated site works at Rathgeran, Ballymurphy, Borris, Co. Carlow
Demolition of house and rebuild house and extension 18 The Ring, Tinnahinch, carlowDescription:
demolition of an existing house also planning permission to rebuild the house and construct a 139sq.m extension to the side and rear of house along with all other associated site works
Attic Conversion including 4 new dormers & 2 new rooflights Ballyloughan, Bagenalstown, carlowDescription:
Converting existing attic space to living accommodation. Works to include 2 no. dormer windows and 1 no. rooflight and alterations to front porch to the front elevation, 2 no dormer windows and 1 no rooflight to the side elevation including ancillary siteworks
Change of use/ Alterations to existing commercial building at Unit 2 Strawhall Industrial Estate Unit 2, Strawhall Industrial Estate, Cannary Road, Carlow town, carlowDescription:
Change of use to an existing building from existing commercial building to indoor recreational facility to include indoor go karting and other indoor activities. Change of use will also incorporate changes to internal layout including revised toilets, office/staff areas etc. at Unit 2, Strawhall industrial Estate, Cannary Road, Carlow town