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Proposed domestic garage at Kildreenagh, Bagenalstown, Co. Carlow Kildreenagh, Bagenalstown, carlowDescription:
Proposed domestic garage, revised position of existing side entrance and all associated site works at Kildreenagh, Bagenalstown, Co. Carlow
Daniel Kehoe Opt Out Knockroe, Rathvilly, carlowDescription:
Private dwelling with detached garage, private well, connection to existing mains sewer, new site entrance and associated site works.
Roseberry Hill 11 to 16 Roseberry Hill, Quinagh, Carlow, carlowDescription:
Construction of 6 no detached houses 11 to 16 Roseberry Hill
Extension to St Mary's National School, Bagenalstown to provide ASD Unit of 201sqm DunLeckney, Bagenalstown, carlowDescription:
Construction of single storey one classroom extension and associated works to the existing St Mary's National School, Dunleckney, Bagenalstown, Co. Carlow to provide facilities for children with special educational needs (Autism Spectrum Disorder Unit) at St Mary's National School, Dunleckney, Bagenalstown, Co. Carlow.
Extension to Dwelling house Rathnagrew Upper, Hacketstown, carlowDescription:
Extension to Dwelling house at Rathnagrew upper Hacketstown
Extension to existing dwelling at Killedmond, Rathanna, Borris, Co. Carlow Killedmond, Borris, carlowDescription:
to demolish existing extensions to the rear and side of existing dwelling and front porch and permission to construct new extensions and alterations including new front porch and permission to upgrade existing sewerage facilities and permission for retention of existing mobile home on site connecting to the existing services for the temporary use while the construction works are taken place and all associated site works at Killedmond, Rathanna, Borris, Co. Carlow
Erection of a dwelling house and domestic garage at Carriglead, St. Mullins, Co. Carlow Carriglead, St. Mullins, carlowDescription:
erection of a dwelling house and domestic garage/store with treatment system and soil polishing filter and all associated site works at Carriglead, St. Mullins, Co. Carlow
Single storey extension to Myshall NS Myshall, Myshall, carlowDescription:
Single storey extension comprising a new classroom, staff room, resource room and all associated site development works at Myshall National School.
OPT OUT Emma Kealy Crosslow, Tullow, carlowDescription:
To construct a single storey dwelling, bored well, waste water treatment system, use of existing entrance and all associated site works
AIB Carlow Institute of Technology AIB, Central Service Building, Carlow Institute of Technology, Kilkenny Road,, Carlow, carlowDescription:
Material Alteration & Internal fit out of and existing banking unit located within the Central Services Building at Carlow IT
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