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1671 results

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  • OPT OUT Construction of One and half storey dwelling house at Rathmore, Tullow, Co. Carlow Rathmore, Tullow, carlow

    OPT OUT erection of a one and half storey dwelling house, garage, percolation system and well

    1378 View details
  • OPT OUT Construction of Two storey Dwelling at Raheendaw, Rathvilly, Co Carlow Raheendaw, Rathvilly, carlow

    OPT OUT the construction of a two storey domestic dwelling, domestic garage, re-positioning of existing entrance and construction of entrance wing walls, appropriate wate-water treatment system, bored well and all ancillary site works

    15216 View details
  • OPT OUT Construction of dormer style dwelling at Ballykealey, Ballon, Co Carlow Ballykealey, Ballon, carlow

    OPT OUT the construction of a dormer style dwelling, domestic garage, on site waste water treatment system, new splayed entrance, proposed bored well and all associated site development works

    15251 View details
  • OPT OUT - New house at Rathnagrew, Hacketstown, Co Carlow. Rathnagrew, Hacketstown, carlow

    OPT OUT: New house development at Rathnagrew, Hacketstown, Co Carlow. The development will consist of a 3 bedroom single storey dwelling with a total area of 141.41 sq m site to include self waste disposal and well.

    15/296 View details
  • Brendan McNally Opt Out Declaration Burtonhall Demesne, Palatine, carlow

    Subdivision of existing site to include erection of a new dwelling house and 2 No. effluent treatment systems and new percolation areas (1 No. effluent treatment for existing dwelling and 1 No. for new dwelling). Permission also sought for connection to water main and all ancillary site works under S.I. 365 2015 'Opt Out Declaration'.

    14329 View details
  • Phase 2a (Part 1) Tullow & South Leinster Tennis & Sports Club Tullow Hill,, Tullow, carlow

    Construction of Phase 2a (Part 1) of the Tullow & South Leinster Tennis & Sports Club. This is a further portion so of the ground floor of the main building in the facility. This is to include additional changing, toilets and ancillary facilities/uses. Works include associated works

    10/264 View details
  • Floodlighting to Netwatch Cullen Park Oak Park Road, Carlow, carlow

    Erection of 4no. 28m high flood light columns at Netwatch Cullen Park, Carlow.

    15/318 View details
  • Florins Takeway Tullow Rad, Carlow, carlow

    Subdivision of existing unit(s) to incorporate a barber shop/hair salon at Uni 5/6 Tullow Road, Shopping Centre, Carlow.

    15261 View details
  • Opt Out. Erection of a Bungalow Dwelling and all associated site works. Clonogan, Clonegal, carlow

    Opt Out. Erection of a Fully Serviced Bungalow Style Dwelling House, New Site Entrance, New Bored Well, New Wastewater Treatment System, Percolation Area and All Associated Site Works at Clonogan, Clonegal, Co.Carlow

    15/309 View details
  • Sarah & Dermot Ryan 86 Dolmen Gardens, Carlow, carlow

    OPT OUT - A first floor extension to the side of existing two storey dwelling and all associated site works

    15171 View details



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