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Mill Street Tullow Retail Unit Mill Street, Tullow, carlowDescription:
Renovation Works to existing retail unit (former post office) including clean out, minor elevation improvements, structural alterations and internal fitout
Application No.: -
O'Toole Composting Ltd. - The Slip Ballintrane, Fenagh, carlowDescription:
Installation of 2 No. bio-filters and development of truck intake air lock building.
Fit out of offices at Shamrock Plaza Corner Tullow Street and Green Lane, Carlow, carlowDescription:
Fit out of First Floor Offices (3,4 &5) at Shamrock Plaza, Corner Tullow Street and Green Lane, Carlow
Application No.: -
erection of a dwelling house and garage at Cashel, Borris, Co. Carlow (Opt Out) Cashel, Borris, carlowDescription:
erection of dwelling house and garage, change of house type and garage from plans approved under Planning Reference No. 12/104 and the relocation of the position of the garage on site and all associated site works at Cashel, Borris, Co Carlow (Opt Out)
Erect Concrete Batching Plant Powerstown, Carlow, carlowDescription:
Erection of Concrete batching plant
Alterations to Glendale Nursing Home Shillelagh Road, Tullow, carlowDescription:
change of use of specific rooms to bedrooms and ancillary accommodation & material alterations to facilitate the above works
Application No.: -
Demolish existing single storey house and reconstruct new single storey dwelling at Rathnafishogue Rathnafishogue, Hacketstown, carlowDescription:
To demolish existing single storey house and reconstruct a new single storey dwelling, relocate existing domestic entrance, new septic tank and percolation area, bored well and all associated site works at Rathnafishogue, Hacketstown, Co. Carlow.
Erection of agricultural sheds at Carriglead, St. Mullins Carriglead, St. Mullins, carlowDescription:
Erection of extensions to existing agricultural shed to include part for the storage of hay and part for the storage of machinery and all associated site works at Carriglead, St. Mullins, Co Carlow
OPT OUT Construction of two storey extension at Oldtown, Nurney, Co Carlow Oldtown, Nurney, carlowDescription:
OPT OUT the demolition of existing single storey extension to the rear of existing dwelling and the construction of a new two storey extension in it's place, alterations to the roof of the existing kitchen and the construction of a single storey utility room to the side of existing dwelling, connection to existing services and all associated site works
Proposed Extension to side of existing Dwelling at Burtonhall, Palatine, Co. Carlow Burtonhall, Palatine, carlowDescription:
Proposed two storey extension to the side of an existing two storey/dormer dwelling comprising of an enlarged sun lounge to ground floor, bedrooms to first floor and balcony to rear of same, alterations to existing dwelling comprising of minor internal layout alterations, revision to elevations to rear, a proposed single storey detached garage to side of same and all associated works at Burtonhall, Palatine, Co. Carlow