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Cinema at Carlow Shopping Centre, Kennedy Avenue Omniplex Cinema Carlow Shopping Centre, Kennedy Avenue, Carlow, carlowDescription:
Refurbishment of cinema including sub-division of old cinema 1 into three smaller cinemas.
Application No.: -
Tombeagh House Tombeagh, Hacketstown, carlowDescription:
Tombeagh Dwelling House
Residential project at Kilbrannish South Kilbrannish South , Bunclody, carlowDescription:
New dwelling house and associated site development works at Kilbrannish South.
Upgrading works to Glendale Nursing Home Shillelagh Road, Tullow, carlowDescription:
upgrading works consisting of revised compartmentation layout, additional smoke detection, cross corridor doors, revised nurses station layout and a myriad of minor alterations
Application No.: -
Walsh Whiskey Distillery Holloden House Demesne, Bagenalstown, carlowDescription:
Irish Whiskey Distillery, Visitor Centre and associated facilities.
Front porch 21 The Glen Mortarstown, Carlow, carlowDescription:
Building of a small front porch
Extension to residence at Pollerton Little, Carlow Pollerton Little (adjacent to Golf Club), Carlow, carlowDescription:
The construction, above floor level, of an extension to the rear of a dwelling consisting of a glazed link with kitchen, dining room and sitting room.
Boyle sports Carlow 7 Day Notice 2, 3 Potato Market, Carlow, carlowDescription:
The development consists of the removal of a column at the rear of the existing unit, internal fire slabbing, plastering and internal fit out of the unit along with all associated electrical wiring & fire alarm installations and mechanical installations.
Application No.: -
2 Storey Extension to the side of dwelling at Quinnagh, Blackbog Road, Carlow Quinnagh, Carlow, carlowDescription:
Two Storey extension to the side of existing dwelling house and all associated works at Quinnagh, Blackbog Road, Carlow Planning Ref. 14/175
Oliver Hynes & Hilda Walsh - dwelling and domestic garage at Kilcoltrim, Borris, Co. Carlow Kilcoltrim, Borris, carlowDescription:
The construction of a single storey dwelling and detached domestic garage, installation of a proprietary sewage treatment unit and percolation area, form a new entrance off roadway together with all associated site works.