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Margaret Griffith domestic extension Seskinryan, Bagenalstown, carlow, R21 D992Description:
Margaret Griffith - construction of single storey domestic ensuite/bedroom extension to front and side of existing house all at Seskinryan, Bagenalstown, Co. Carlow
Commercial Serviced Sites at Deerpark, Carlow - POK/KM 2022 Deerpark Business Complex, Dublin Road, carlow, xxxxxxDescription:
The construction of 7 number commercial serviced sites, extension of existing road and footpath network, connection to existing on site services and attenuation, street lighting, general landscaping, advertising signage and all associated site works
falcon breeding for personal use craans house, Ardattin, carlowDescription:
construction of an aviary building, imprint building and a hack pen. hard surface laneway to serve the buildings and all ancillary site works.
Ronan Farrell kilcoole house, Rathoe, carlowDescription:
Construction of part 1.5 storey part single story dwelling, new vehicular entrance, waste water treatment system, bored well and storm water soakaways.
Enabling works (demolition of half built extensions and clearout) of Castleview House, Chaff Street, Carlow Chaff Street, Carlow, carlow, R93 C2N8Description:
Enabling works (clearout of gardens/ internal areas and demolition of half built extensions) in advance of enacting planning permission 21/527-subdivision of existing house in to apartments and extensions to same of Castleview House, Chaff Street, Carlow
Application No.: -
Torc Candles Ltd. Fenagh Road, Borris, carlow, R95 H044Description:
Waste water treatment system and site ancillary works only to be carried out in this scope of works.
Material alteration to Old Braun Factory at Dublin Road, Carlow, Co. Carlow O'Brien Road, Carlow, carlow, 000Description:
Material alterations to the existing factory previously known as 'Braun' at Dublin Road, Carlow. Alterations include installation of a timber frame and light gauge steel housing manufacturing facility, changes to external elevations, alterations to the external site environs, internal alterations to the staff offices, sanitary facilities, canteen area, etc
Application No.: -
Burrin Celtic Ballinvalley, , Ballon Cross, Carlow, R93 HY90Description:
Construction of a two-storey extension to existing clubhouse and all ancillary site works.
farm building Monemore , R21PW21, carlowDescription:
Milking Parlour
MSD Rathgall - MV Building Dublin Road, , Carlow, Carlow,Description:
MSD Carlow Rathgall - construction of single storey MV electrical building