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Proposed Rural Bungalow at Drumphea Drumphea, Drumphea, carlowDescription:
New Fully Serviced Bungalow Dwelling and All Associated Site Works at Drumphea, Myshall, Co. Carlow.
Site 7, Tullow Business Park Tullow Business Park, Tullow, carlowDescription:
Construction of a new steel framed warehouse/light industrial unit (Unit No. 2), associated car parking, site vehicular entrance, perimeter fencing and all associated site works.
104 Green Road Extension Green Road, Carlow, carlow, R93 W863Description:
Demolish the existing garage conversion and utility area at the side of the dwelling and construct a single storey masonry extension on the same footprint comprising a bedroom, wc/shower, dining area and utility area extending the floor area to the rear by 4.35m2 at 104 Green Road, Carlow.
Extension Green Lane, Carlow, carlow, R93 RK31Description:
37m2 extension to existing bungalow. As per planning application drawings with one amendment. The area labelled dining room extension has been removed and will not be completed. This takes the floor area of extension from 48m2 to approximately 37m2.
Reconstruction of dwelling at Raheen, Old Leighlin, Co. Carlow. Raheen, Raheen Lane, carlowDescription:
The reconstruction of the dwelling to it's original state and provide a 2 bedroom residence, including the installation of a wastewater treatment system & polishing filter and the relocation of the existing vehicular entrance
Ballon Fenagh Road, Ballon, carlow, R93 W951Description:
Change of use of Credit Union Building to residential building. Alterations to all external elevations of the existing building, which include all windows and materials to front facade from brick to part stone and nap plaster finish. Construction of stone boundary walls to south (1.2M high) of the site and 1.6M high block boundary to the west of the site. To close the existing commercial side (southwest) entrance and to install a new domestic entrance to the site works. This structure falls within the curtilage of a protected structure (CW110) at Ballykealy Lane, Fenagh Road, Ballon, IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PLANS SUBMITTED WITH THE APPLICATION.
Construction of a domestic garage & associated works at Kiloughternane, Borris, Co. Carlow Killoughternane, Via Flanders Cross, Borris, carlowDescription:
Construction of a domestic garage & associated works at Kiloughternane, Borris, Co. Carlow
construction of a 2-storey dwelling & associated works at Killoughternane, Borris, , Co. Carlow Killoughternane, Flanders Cross, carlowDescription:
Construction of a two-storey dwelling, on-site wastewater treatment system, bored well, and all associated site development works at Killoughternane, Borris, , Co. Carlow
Saint Rita's Browneshill Road Lower, Carlow, carlow, R93 P6W4Description:
Construction of a new single storey extension (90m2) to side and rear of existing house, and refurbishment of existing dwelling.
Garage (Thomas Redmond Ref 21369) Clonogan, Clonegal, carlowDescription:
Domestic garage (Thomas Redmond Ref 21369)