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Dwelling at Knockroe, Rathvilly Knockroe, Rathvilly, carlowDescription:
Construction of a new single storey dwelling, wastewater treatment system, bored well and all associated ancillary works
Calf Housing Agricultural Building Craanlusky, Milford, carlowDescription:
Proposed construction of a calf housing unit, with a single bay machinery shed, to an approximate height of 6.925m, as well as an external foul-water retention tank, and all associated ground-works
Garage at Ballymartin, Borris, Co. Carlow Ballymartin, Borris, carlowDescription:
Erection of a garage at Ballymartin, Borris Co. Carlow
New wastewater treatment system and percolation area and the termination of existing substandard septic tank Bough, Rathvilly, carlow, R93 E335Description:
New wastewater treatment system and percolation area and the termination of existing substandard septic tank
Dwelling house & all associated site works @ Ballymartin, Borris, Co. Carlow. Ballymartin, Borris, carlowDescription:
Dwelling house, treatment system & percolation area & all associated site works @ Ballymartin, Borris, Co. Carlow.
22nr. Houses and associated siteworks at Gleann Na Bearu, Bagenalstown, Co.Carlow Gleann Na Bearú, , Bagenalstown, Carlow,Description:
Construction of 22 no. houses to rear of existing housing estate.
Application No.: -
Corporate Support Services Building, Institute of Technology Carlow Kilkenny Road, Carlow, carlow, R93 V960Description:
The development will consist of a new Corporate Support Services Building of 4,757m² gross internal floor area on a site of 0.953 ha within the overall campus of Institute of Technology Carlow. The proposed application site is located on the northern end of the Institute of Technology Carlow campus, west of the Aerospace, Mechanical & Electronic Engineering Building and north of the Nore Building. The proposed building will be located on the footprint of the recently demolished and removed Vocational Education Committee School buildings (PL Reg. Ref: 15/54). The building will be 4 storeys, with a central splayed atrium and rooftop plant and screening. Fundamentally the design is based on a simple rectangular form diagonally across another simple rectangle. The diagonal form being the main entrances and circulation; the remainder the corporate support functions orientated either side of the splayed atrium volume. The atrium serves to provide a clear arrival space to the building, containing the new Campus Reception function (and associated back office) and the primary vertical circulation lifts and feature accommodation stair in readily understandable and easily intelligible positions. On the south of the building there will be a Commercial Kitchen and Dining space on Ground Floor and a Café and associated seating area on First Floor. A Service Yard will be positioned on the east façade of the building to serve these catering facilities.
two storey dwelling house and associated site works at Ardattin, Tullow, Co. Carlow Ardattin, Tullow, carlowDescription:
two storey dwelling house and associated site works at Ardattin, Tullow, Co. Carlow
Domestic garage at Ballyteigelea, Borris, Co.Carlow Ballyteigelea, Borris, carlowDescription:
Domestic garage at Ballyteigelea, Borris, Co.Carlow
Domestic Dwelling at Tynock, Kiltegan Tynock, Kiltegan, carlowDescription:
Construction of a two storey dwelling house, packaged wastewater treatment system, polishing filter, new entrance, landscaping and all associated site works