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Newacre Steel Workshop Extension Newacre, Carlow, carlow, R93 XK19Description:
Extension of existing Steel single storey Workshop
Industrial Unit 1 Stationhouse Road, MUINE BHEAG , carlowDescription:
A single storey industrial unit 42 m long X 22.5 m wide X 8.77m high for Lee Engineering, Station Road, Muine Bheag, Co. Carlow
construction of a single storey dwelling & associated works at knockmore, ballymurphy, borris Knockmore, BALLYMURPHY, carlowDescription:
the construction of a single storey dwelling, septic tank and percolation area, bored well, new entrance and all associated site works at knockmore, ballymurphy, borris, co. carlow
Erection of a dwelling house at Ballybeg Big, St. Mullins Ballybeg Big, St. Mullins, carlowDescription:
Erection of a dwelling house and all associated site works
JC 2021 Change of use 10 Kennedy Street, Carlow, carlow, R93 WK59Description:
Change of use at first floor level from existing commercial use to student accommodation, use of existing ground floor entrances and stairwells, connection to existing services and all associated site works
Portal Frame Dunleckney, Bagenalstown, Co. Carlow Dunleckney, Bagenalstown, carlowDescription:
the construction of a portal frame light storage unit (Agricultural Use) and all associated site development works
Alterations to existing single storey dwelling, removal of extension to rear and garage to side at Royal Ooak, Bagenalstown Royal Oak, Royal Oak, Bagenalstown, carlow, R21 TD50Description:
Alterations to existing single storey dwelling comprising of: removal of existing lean to extension to rear and side garage/car port to same, internal alterations, widen side entrance, subdividing garden into garden for house and yard for neighbouring shop unit at Royal Oak, Bagenalstown, Co. Carlow
JF 2020 change of use 1 Maryborough Street, Carlow, carlow, R93 P4A9Description:
Change of use on ground floor from existing retail unit to office use with internal connection to adjacent office unit and external alterations to facade, external signage and lighting and all associated site works
Proposed single storey extension to rear of existing cottage and proposed garage at 2 Cottage, Kearneys Lane, Carlow town 2 Cottage, Kearneys Lane, Pollerton, Carlow, carlow, R93 PX22Description:
Demolition of single storey extension to the rear of existing cottage and construction of new single storey extension, alterations to existing cottage and proposed detached garage at 2 Cottage, Kearney's Lane, Pollerton Big, Carlow Town
47-49, 52-62 Cluain Bui, Quinagh, Carlow Cluain Buí, quinagh, carlowDescription:
Construction of 14 no. new dwelling houses and ancillary site services, nos. 47 to 49 and 52 to 62 inclusive, Cluain Bui, Quinagh, Carlow.