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Dairy Unit Clonmullen, Bunclody, carlow, Y21YX52Description:
Milking Parlour and collecting yard, extension to existing cattle sheds, cattle handling area, dairy, machine room, slatted tanks, farm office, soiled water tank, concrete yards and ancillary works
2 No. Apartments, Tullow Barrack Street, Tullow, carlow, R93 AE19Description:
The change of use from existing ground floor retail unit (2 number) and existing car parking area to 2 No. apartment units with street access, use of all existing services, alterations to external façade and all associated site works
Construction of a Garage Moanalow, Grangeford, carlowDescription:
See Reference Number: 8447733 for the Commencement Notice for the main development (The construction of a single storey dwelling) Development description : Construction of a garage
Construction of a detached single storey dwelling Moanalow, Grangeford, carlowDescription:
1). Construction of a detached single storey dwelling 2). Installation of a wastewater treatment system and a percolation area, to appropriate standards. 3). Construction of a site entrance consisting of walls, piers, entrance gates and hedging. 4). Construction of a driveway, parking areas, footpaths, patio and hard landscaping areas. 5). Landscaping of the site consisting of grass areas, planting beds, trees, hedging and shrubbery and all associated site works
New Dwelling at Spahill, Borris Unnamed Road, Borris, carlowDescription:
New Fully Serviced Bungalow Dwelling and All Associated Site Works at Spahill, Borris, Co. Carlow.
Application No.: -
Phase 5 Castleoaks Castle Oaks, Castle Oaks, carlowDescription:
Phase 5 - The construction of 13 no. 2 storey dwelling houses, comprising of 4 no. 4 bed detached units (no's 5 - 8, house type 5), 6 no. 3 bed semi detached units (no's 87-90 & 94-95, house type 7, and 3 no. terrace units (no's 91-93, house type 8), and all associated site works
Classroom Extension to Rear of Ballinkillen National School ballinkillen, bagenalstown, carlow, R21 Y803Description:
to construct an extension to the rear of existing school, comprising of a mainstream classroom c/w toilets facilities and associated site work
garage at Kilcoole, Co Carlow Unnamed Road, kilcoole, carlowDescription:
Garage to rear of dwelling house at Kilcoole, Co Carlow
construction of dwelling house at Kilcoole, Co.Carlow Unnamed Road, kilcoole, carlowDescription:
development of a two storey dwelling, new vehicular entrance and septic tank with raised percolation area and associated works.
construction of a single storey extension to the rear of Gala, Burrin Road, Carlow Burrin Road, Carlow, kilkenny, R93 VH98Description:
construction of a single storey extension to the rear of an existing retail premises, the construction of a bin storage area and all associated site works at Kane’s Gala, Burrin Road, Carlow