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cubicle shed construction ballythomas, , Rathgormack, Waterford,Description:
to construct an agricultural cubicle shed, slatted tank and feed passage
Single story rear extension and dormer to extension to rear roof, plus refurbishment of 1 Marian Terrace, Ballinakill 1 Marian Terrace Ballinakill, , Waterford, Waterford, X91 YNW5Description:
Extension to rear of house. Conversion of attic and dormer to rear roof plus roof light to front roof. Refurbishment of existing house.
Relocation of La Fontana Restaurant 120 Parade Quay, , Waterford, Waterford, X91 KC3VDescription:
Relocation of La Fontana Restaurant to 120 Parade Quay, Waterford City
Single Story Ballyduff Beg Ballyduff Beg, , Ballinamuck West, Waterford,Description:
Construction of a single storey dwelling house along with new entrance driveway, wastewater treatment system and percolation area, connection to public water and all ancillary works
Mezzanine, Harvery Norman Warehouse, Waterford Unit 1, Block 4 Lacken Road, Lacken Road Business Park, , Waterford, Waterford, X91 A262Description:
The construction of a 95sqm internal single storey mezzanine structure providing additional storage at Unit 1, Block 4 Lacken Road, Lacken Road Business Park, Waterford, X91 A262
24141 - Eason Waterford Eason, 2-4 Dungarvan Shopping Centre, Shandon,, , Dungarvan, Waterford, X35 F962Description:
Internal fit out and material alterations to the existing retail shop as a Eason shop.
Application No.: -
Proposed New Function Room for The Haven Hotel Dock Road, , Dunmore East, Waterford, X91 W322Description:
function room extension consisting of; the construction of a sunken permanent function room, bar, storage and toilets with an overall gross floor area of c.532 sq.m basement courtyard, lift and 2 no. stairs, external courtyard (c. 390sq.m) service ramp and gravel footpath, universal bedroom, plant room and all ancillary works.
New Dwelling at Ballyduff Ballyduff West, , Kilmeaden, Waterford,Description:
permission to subdivide existing site to create a new development site. Permission includes for construction of new 2.1m high Dividing wall, a new vehicular entrance on the public road and permission to construct a 1.5 storey dwelling house along with associated site development works
Brookfield Development Phase 1 Kilbarry, , Waterford, Waterford,Description:
99 no. houses as part of overall masterplan development area with access directly to the planned LIHAF road infrastructure including landscaping, public open space, boundary treatments, approximately 165m of LIHAF road, ESB substation, lighting and drainage and all associated site works. This is an amendment to the previously permitted application – Planning Ref: 22-385. The application will consist of a proposed change to the permitted house type mix, plus minor alterations to house types A, C, D E, the introduction of two new house types G and H, and alterations to rear garden boundary walls.
Residential Duplex Block D - Williamstown Road Williamstown Road, , Waterford, Waterford,Description:
Construction of 8no Residential Units (Duplex Block D)