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3267 results

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  • New dwellinghouse at Ballykinsella, Tramore, Co. Waterford Ballykinsella, , tramore, Waterford,

    Single storey dwellnghouse, together with services installations and associated site development works at Ballykinsella, Tramore, Co. Waterford

    23/328 View details
  • Single storey dwellinghouse at Newtown, Annestown Whitefield, , Annestown, Waterford,

    Construct a new single storey dwelling, site entrance, wastewater treatment system and all ancillary works at Newtown, Annestown, Co. Waterford

    2360508 View details
  • Knockavannia Extension. KNOCKAVANNIA, , BALLYMACARBRY, Waterford, E91 E138


    2360522 View details
  • Knockmahon Bonmahon Co. Waterford Knochmahon, , Bonmahon, Waterford,

    Construction a part two storey,part single storey dwelling, decommission existing septic tank serving parents house and install new system

    23355 View details
  • Modification and Extension including all associated siteworks at Lafcadio Hearn Japanese Gardens Pond Road, , Tramore, Waterford, X91 DE48

    Modification and Extension including all associated siteworks at Lafcadio Hearn Japanese Gardens

    2360290 View details
  • Cottage - Villierstown Ballingowan East,, , Villierstown, Waterford, P51 EV88

    for temporary installation of a new metal roof on the existing perished thatched roof on cottage (protected structure)for the rebuilding of the top of the external walls, for re-plastering the existing external walls in lime both internally and externally, for the reinstatement of a new timber roof structure, for the refurbishment of all existing windows and door, for the construction of a single storey extension, demolition of existing shed, a new driveway entrance and gates and the installation of a new septic tank discharging to a package media filter in turn discharging to a polishing filter and all associated site works

    23/213 View details
  • WK11017 - New Build - Knockanore Newport East, Lackaroe, , Youghal, Waterford,

    construction of a new dwelling, new waste water treatment system, new entrance and all associated site development works.

    2460003 View details
  • 2 The Blaskets, DME 2 THE BLASKETS, , dunmore east, Waterford, X91 P2P4

    development which will consist of the construction of a new single storey extension to the rear, and a new porch to the front and proposed rooflights to the existing house, refurbishment of the existing house and all associated site works.

    23/60606 View details
  • Waterford Surgical Hub The Former Glanbia Site, Marypark Lane, , Waterford, Waterford,

    The construction of a part two and part three-storey Surgical Hub building with 2nd floor plant enclosure and roof level PV panels, 2 no. generator buildings, a diesel tank, a VIE (Vacuum Insulated Evaporator) compound, an ESB substation, a totem sign, 1. no pumping station and all associated car parking, signage, landscaping and site development works.

    23/60576 View details
  • Study Extension 28, O' REILLY Rd Cork Rd, , Waterford, Waterford, X91 A6PY

    The Construction of a Ground Floor Study Extension to the rear of dwelling

    24/60220 View details



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