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Jabil Waterford Building A IDA Waterford Industrial Park, , Waterford, Waterford, X91 R894Description:
Internal alterations at first floor level of Building A to form additional floor space (616m2) including installation of associated rooflights & external windows together with construction of a new lin corridor to Building A together with assocaiated site works
Skehacrine Skehacrine, , Dungarvan, Waterford, X35 X402Description:
Construction of a part single storey and part two storey extension, alterations to all existing elevations, 2 no. rear rooflights & 1 no. front rooflight to the existing dwelling, a new single storey garage, new pedestrian gates to the existing vehicular site entrance, a new re-located vehicular site entrance to the eastern site boundary and all associated site development works at Skehacrine, Abbeyside, Dungarvan, Co. Waterford. X35 X402
Construction of a single-storey extension to rear of dwelling at 28 Lios An Oir, Lismore. 28 Lios An Oir, , Lismore, Waterford, P51 HC85Description:
Construction of single-storey extension to rear of existing dwelling house and all ancillary site works.
Norman & Elizabeth Walsh - Kincora Dock Road, , Dunmore East, Waterford, X91 YR04Description:
Three storey extension to rear of existing dwelling, internal alterations to existing dwelling, replacement of all windows and new French doors to front of house.
New dwellinghouse at Knockhouse, Woodstown, Co. Waterford* knockhouse, , Bellelake, Waterford,Description:
Construct a new house and garage, together with associated services instalaltions and associated site development works at Knockhouse, Woodstown, Co. Waterford
Sheridan New-Build* Baile na nGael, , Ring, Waterford,Description:
Construction of a new single storey dwelling, New entrance (to form a shared entrance and access for adjoining land). Connection to Public Services and all ancillary works.
To convert Whites Bar into a family habitable dwelling. Ballymacaw, , Waterford, Waterford, X91 YW13Description:
To convert Whites Bar into a single family habitable dwelling, to demolish existing smoke room and to construct new sun lounge.
Moanfune House* Old Youghal Road, , Tallow, Waterford,Description:
To erect a part single story/part two story dwelling house.
Pulla Dwelling House* Pulla, , Dungarvan, Waterford,Description:
2 storey dwelling, garage, wastewater treatment and all other site works at Pulla, Dungarvan, Co. Waterford
Newtown School Modular Building Newtown School, , Waterford, Waterford,Description:
Installation of prefabricated modular units at Newtown School