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3267 results

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  • 77-84 The Brook (Duplex Block B) The Brook, Tramore, waterford

    Erection of block B, a 3 storey block of duplex units comprising 8 units in total. This is Phase 4 of a residential development of 1 creche and 89 residential units comprising of 6 no. detached houses, 21 no. terraced houses, 8 no. duplex units (16 units total) and 46 no semi detached houses and ancillary site works.

    22275 View details
  • Split level dwelling house and ancillary works at Helvick, Ring, Co. Waterford. No. 1 Helvick, Dungarvan, waterford

    Split level dwelling house and ancillary works at Helvick, Ring, Co. Waterford. No. 1

    21/1169 View details
  • O'Connor Monang Monang, Abbeyside, Dungarvan, waterford

    The construction of a new, part 2 storey, part single storey dwelling, domestic garage, new entrance and all associated ancillary site works.

    23/157 View details
  • Split level dwelling house and ancillary works at Helvick, Ring, Dungarvan, Co. Waterford. No. 2 Helvick, Dungarvan, waterford

    Split level dwelling house and ancillary works at Helvick, Ring, Dungarvan, Co. Waterford. No.2

    21/1076 View details
  • Hubbart Extension Scrahan, , Kilmacthomas, Waterford, X42 HE48

    to construct a dormer style extension to front, rear and western side of existing dwelling, changes to the front, rear and eastern elevations, install a new wastewater treatment system and all ancillary site works.

    23266 View details
  • Kilbarry Phase 4 Houses Kilbarry, Waterford, waterford

    Construction of 68 houses including work to common areas and infrastructure relevant to these units in respect of the second schedule of the Building Regulations.

    18735 View details
  • Kilbarry Phase 3 Houses Kilbarry, Waterford, waterford

    Construction of 66 houses including work to common areas and infrastructure relevant to these units in respect of the second schedule of the Building Regulations.

    18734 View details
  • 6 dwellinghouses at Leaca, Adamstown, Kilmeadan adamstown, Kilmeaden, waterford

    Construction of house no. 11 and 12, 17 and 18, 19 and 20, toether with associated services installations and associated site development works at Leaca, Adamstown, Kilmeadan, Co. Waterford

    20/400 - ABP 310803-21 View details
  • Monang New Build Site B Monang, Dungarvan, waterford

    Development consisting of the construction of a new, 2 storey dwelling, new entrance and all associated ancillary site works at Monang, Abbeyside, Dungarvan, Co. Waterford

    2360574 View details
  • the construction of a one and a half storey extension with balcony to the rear of the existing dwelling house, Loughanunna Dungarvan Co. Waterford, Dungarvan, waterford, X35 FT54

    Permission sought by, Tadhg Ó'Cuirrín & Karen Delahunty to retain indefinitely openings for new windows to the existing dwelling house. Planning permission is also required for the construction of a one and a half storey extension with balcony to the rear of the existing dwelling house, alterations to existing entrance driveway and entrance walls, alterations to existing dwelling house and all ancillary works Loughanunna, Dungarvan, Co. Waterford, X35FT54

    2360477 View details



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