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Construction of a Garage Kilmovee, Portlaw, waterfordDescription:
Construction of a garage along with all associated site works
4 no houses on sites 87-90 Monksfield, Clonea Road, Dungarvan, Co. Waterford Clonea Road, Dungarvan, waterfordDescription:
4 no houses on sites 87-90, forming part of the overall Monksfield housing development at Clonea Road, Dungarvan, Co. Waterford
Woodlock House, Portlaw Mayfield, , Portlaw, , waterfordDescription:
Alterations to planning permission 13/215 (Change of use from nursing home to office accommodation for electronic / internet publishing company together with apartment and caretakers flat. The works to restore the building include the removal of modern internal subdivisions and the modern first floor balcony, other works include internal and external refurbishment, upgrading services installations and fire protection, reinstating timber sliding sash windows to ground and first floors and re-slating the roof. Gate Lodge to be refurbished internally and externally for residential purposes and flat roofed extensions to the rear to be demolished. Associated site works are included) These alterations to include the change of use of 2 no. apartments on the first floor to offices and change of use of 3 no. rooms on the ground floor from offices to apartment including all associated works.
Garage at Castletown, Ballinamona Castletown, Ballinamona, waterfordDescription:
Garage and associated works at Castletown, Ballinamona, Colin & Fiona Taylor
Extension to house at 15 Grange Park Crescent, Newtown, Waterford 15 Grange Park Crescent, Waterford, waterfordDescription:
Extension to 15 Grange Park Crescent
Harbour Master Building, Dunmore East Dunmore East Harbour, Dunmore East, waterfordDescription:
Refurbishment of existing Level G accommodation of existing Building including the replacement and replanning of the Staff / Public Toilet facilities and also Staff Changing facilities. External works to include the recladding of the facade and replacment of windows and doors etc. at Level G Only and ancillary related siteworks to paving, steps and drainage and other electrical connections.
extension to house at flynns in dungarvan ballymacmague, dungarvan, waterfordDescription:
single storey extension to farmhouse at ballymacmague, dungarvan.
Dwelling for Shane McGrath & Christina McSweeney at Bawnfune, Kilmanahan, Co. Waterford. Bawnfune, Kilmanahan, waterfordDescription:
Erection of two-storey dwelling house, septic tank, percolation area and all associated site works at Bawnfune, Kilmanahan, Co. Waterford for Shane McGrath and Christina McSweeney.
Fahafeelagh Dwellinghouse Fahafeelagh, Kilmacthomas, waterfordDescription:
Single storey dwellinghouse, garage, entrance, waste water treatment system and ancillary works at Fahafeelagh, Kilmacthomas, Co. Waterford
2014187 Foley, Oliver - Bathroom Extension to Dwelling Ballyduff Grove, Ballyduff, Kilmeaden, waterfordDescription:
Bathroom Extension to Dwelling at Ballyduff Grove, Ballyduff, Kilmeaden, Co. Waterford