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The information requested and supplied was compiled by this office for the purposes of fulfilling the statutory obligation to maintain a publicly available register of building control activity.
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Construct a cubicle house, calving pens and underground slurry store for Liam Barron (Cappagh) Carrowgarrif Beg, Cappagh, waterfordDescription:
Construct a cubicle house, calving pens and underground slurry store and ancillary works at Carrowgarrif Beg, Cappagh, Co. Waterford
Construct a shed for use as a straw bedded animal house and store for Brendan Kirwan (KIlmacthomas) Kilnagrange , Kilmacthomas, waterfordDescription:
To construct a shed for use as a straw bedded animal house and store and all ancillary site works at Kilnagrange , Kilmacthomas , Co. Waterford
Extend existing slatted cubicle shed, extend existing calf house for Declan French (Dungarvan) Ahaun, Old Parish, Dungarvan, waterfordDescription:
Extend existing slatted cubicle shed, extend existing calf house and all ancillary site works at Ahaun, Old Parish, Dungarvan, Co. Waterford
Extension to Dwelling for Sheena Leslie (26 Daisy Terrace) 26 Daisy Terrace, Waterford, waterfordDescription:
A/ demolition of the rear 2-storey section of existing terraced dwelling B/ construction of a single storey extension with a partial first floor C/minor internal alterations to the existing dwelling, installation of new velux rooflights on the rear elevation, replacement of windows to the front and rear D/demolition and reconstruction of the rear stone boundary wall and all associated site works (A Protected Structure)
Milking parlour, dairy and collecting yard and to extend existing slatted house to accommodate cubicles and passage for Ger Murphy (Carrick-on-Suir) Ballyneal, Clonea, Carrick-on-Suir, waterfordDescription:
Milking parlour, dairy and collecting yard and to extend existing slatted house to accommodate cubicles and passage, and all ancillary site works at Ballyneal, Clonea, Carrick-on-Suir, Co. Waterford
Car parking and associated site works for Laois Sawmills Ltd (Ballinakill) The Brasscock Centre, Dunmore Road, Ballinakill, waterfordDescription:
Car parking and associated site works adjacent to O'Hares Londis Foodmarket at The Brasscock Centre, Dunmore Road, Ballinakill, Waterford
4 houses at Dysert, Ardmore Dysert, Ardmore, waterfordDescription:
House A of 4 houses at Dysert, Ardmore
Applegreen Lemybrien Service Station N25, Lemybrien, waterfordDescription:
Completion of site works at partially constructed service station and material alterations and fit out to the retail building onsite.
Extension and Alterations to Existing Dwellinghouse for Anthony and Bernie Mulhall (39 Passage Road) 39 Passage Road, Waterford, waterfordDescription:
Alterations and extension including expansion of existing converted roof space to 2 no, bedrooms.
Construction of Dwellinghouse & Garage for Raymond Cullen (Clonea Power) Curraghphilipeen, Clonea Power, Carrick-on-Suir, waterfordDescription:
New dwelling house, garage and ancillary services at Curraghphilipeen, Clonea, Carrick-on-Suir, Co. Waterford
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- Carlow County Council Apply Carlow County Council filter
- Cavan County Council Apply Cavan County Council filter
- Clare County Council Apply Clare County Council filter
- Cork City Council Apply Cork City Council filter
- Cork County Council Apply Cork County Council filter
- Donegal County Council Apply Donegal County Council filter
- Dublin City Council Apply Dublin City Council filter
- Dún-Laoghaire Rathdown County Council Apply Dún-Laoghaire Rathdown County Council filter
- Fingal County Council Apply Fingal County Council filter
- Galway City Council Apply Galway City Council filter
- Galway County Council Apply Galway County Council filter
- Kerry County Council Apply Kerry County Council filter
- Kildare County Council Apply Kildare County Council filter
- Kilkenny County Council Apply Kilkenny County Council filter
- Laois County Council Apply Laois County Council filter
- Leitrim County Council Apply Leitrim County Council filter
- Limerick City and County Council Apply Limerick City and County Council filter
- Longford County Council Apply Longford County Council filter
- Louth County Council Apply Louth County Council filter
- Mayo County Council Apply Mayo County Council filter
- Meath County Council Apply Meath County Council filter
- Monaghan County Council Apply Monaghan County Council filter
- Offaly County Council Apply Offaly County Council filter
- Roscommon County Council Apply Roscommon County Council filter
- Sligo County Council Apply Sligo County Council filter
- South Dublin County Council Apply South Dublin County Council filter
- Tipperary County Council Apply Tipperary County Council filter
- (-) Remove Waterford City and County Council filter Waterford City and County Council
- Westmeath County Council Apply Westmeath County Council filter
- Wexford County Council Apply Wexford County Council filter
- Wicklow County Council Apply Wicklow County Council filter