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Opt Out - Proposed refurbishment and extension to townhouse 1B @ Main Street, Doonbeg Main Street, , Doonbeg, Clare, V15 X002Description:
Opt Out - Proposed refurbishment and extension to townhouse 1B along with all associated site works @ Main Street, Doonbeg, Co. Clare.
Rear Extension 30 Connolly Villas 30 Connolly Villas, , Ennis, Clare, V95 P8PNDescription:
Single story rear extension and off street parking to the front of the dwelling
Dwelling House at Fairhill, Feakle, Co Clare Fairhill, , Ballyrevagh, Clare,Description:
Development which will consist of demolishing remains of an existing structure and the construction of a dwelling house, with an effluent treatment system, upgrade of an existing access to a public road, and ancillary site works
New dwelling house in Ballyalla Ballyalla, , Ennis, Clare,Description:
New two storey plus habitable attic dwelling house with attached garage and carport
house at moymore moymore south, , Kilaspuglinane, Clare,Description:
dwelling in place of garage previously granted
Material alterations to exisitng day services, Hector Street, Kilrush Hector Street, , Kilrush, Clare, V15 DH64Description:
Material alterations internally to provide a new training room and to separate an existing training room into 3 no. offices, upgrade of partitions, installation of fire safety doors, alterations to exisitng fire alarm and emergency lighting systems
Application No.: -
HSE RENOVATION D O MALLEY 23 Limerick Road, , Ennis, Clare, V95 CY59Description:
for the following works (A) demolish existing extension to rear of dwelling. (B) demolish existing shed to rear of dwelling. (C) renovate and change layout of the existing dwelling, (D) raise the roof level and construct first floor extension to dwelling. (E) construct single storey extension to rear and side dwelling and (F) use part of the dwelling as a granny flat, all with associated site works
house in kilcorcoran kilcorcoran, , Knockliscrane East, Clare,Description:
new dwelling garage and wwts
Phase 3 - Development at Church Fields, Clonlara, Co. Clare (2 Units) 1B Church Road, , Cloonlara, Clare,Description:
Construction of 2 No. Detached Type 4 houses at Errina Locke, Clonlara, Co. Clare
Opt Out - Refurbish & extend an existing derelict dwelling house @ Thomastown Thomastown,, , Kilrush,, Clare, 000 0000Description:
Opt Out - Proposed restoration, refurbishment & extension of an existing derelict dwelling and outbuilding, installation of new sewerage treatment system, construct new entrance walls, along with all associated works @ Thomastown, Kilrush, Co. Clare.