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Construct dwellinghouse at Ballynahinch, Tulla, Co Clare Ballynahinch, , Tulla, Clare,Description:
Construct dwellinghouse and garage with wastewater treatment system and all associated site works at Ballynahinch, Tulla, Co Clare
Thomas Barry-New Dwelling-Slaveen Ennis Co.Clare Slaveen, , Ennis, Clare,Description:
Construction of new dwelling, garage & Car Port, New Entrance, Effluent treatment system and all associated site works.
flag road Flag Road, , Miltown Malbay, Clare, 0000000Description:
renovate and extend the dwelling
Alterations and extension to the existing Old School Building for visiting Santa Clause Bunratty Folk Park, , Bunratty, Clare, V95 WP63Description:
Alterations and extension to the existing Old School Building for visiting Santa Clause
HOUSE ON THE HILL CRAG, , Lahinch, Clare,Description:
24278 KOTO Cabin, Armada Hotel, Spanish Point, Clare Armada Hotel, , Spanish Point, Clare,Description:
To construct / install a cabin to be used as short term tourist accommodation ancillary to the existing Armada Hotel Complex, and to install a waste water storage tank, along with associated site works at the Armada Hotel, Spanish Point, Co. Clare.
Dwelling House Glendree, Feakle, Co Clare Glendree, , Glendree Lower, Clare,Description:
For permission consequent on the grant of outline permission (Reference No P23/554) to construct a dwelling house and garage, with effluent treatment system, and new entrance from public road. The development includes alterations to the site boundary of the dwelling granted under planning permission P04-1699 on the adjoining site to the East, all with associated site works
To construct a new dwelling house at Toormore, Ruan, Co.Clare Toormore, , Ruan, Clare,Description:
To construct 1no. two story block built dwelling house at Toormore, Ruan, Co.Clare.
Dwelling house at Clooncolman, Ballynacally clooncolman, , Cloncolman, Clare,Description:
The construction of a new dwelling house and garage complete with an access road, sewage treatment system and ancillary works.
Construct dwellinghouse at Glenconaun Beg, Kildysart, Co Clare Glenconaun Beg, , Kildysart, Clare,Description:
Construct dwellinghouse and garage with effluent treatment system, new entrance and all associated site works at Glenconaun Beg, Kildysart, Co Clare