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House Exension Knockbrack, Ennistymon, clareDescription:
Extensions to side and rear, total floor area 39.5sqM
Carrowdotia Development, Barefield Carrowdotia, Barefield, clareDescription:
Construction of six detached dwelling houses and connection to existing foul sewer network and ancillary site works at Carrowdotia, Barefield, Co. Clare.
EI Electronics Link Building & Campus Development Works at Shannon Industrial Estate, Co. Clare 40-49 Shannon Industrial Estate, Shannon, clareDescription:
Construction of a Link Building (23 m by 4.3 m) connecting properties known as Units 40-46, and Units 55-56 at Shannon Industrial Estate, Shannon, Co. Clare.
Construction of Private Dwelling House and ancillary works Caherbannagh, Fountain, Ennis, clareDescription:
to Extend the Appropriate Period of a Planning Permission P08/213 for a private dwelling house @ Caherbannagh, Fountain, Ennis, Co Clare
New Dwelling @ Toberteascain Tobertaescain, Ennis, clareDescription:
to demolish an existing house and construct a new house and boundary treatments , along with all ancillary site works @ Tobertaoscaun,, Clonroad More Tld.,, Ennis, Co.Clare
Construction of Milking Parlour Kilmaley, Ennis, clareDescription:
Construction of Milking Parlour, dairy, two underground slurry storage tanks, collecting yard, agricultural livestock unit and all associated site works.
Site 5 Springhill Ard Na Crusha springhill Blackwater, Ard Na Crusha, clareDescription:
Construction of Dwelling at site no 5 springhill, Ard Na Crusha
development of milking parlour Ballycar South, Ardnacrusha, clareDescription:
to construct a new milking parlour, dairy, dairy washings tank, slatted shed and associated site works
Dwelling House and Garage at Ballyhannon North, Quin Ballyhannon North, Quin, clareDescription:
Proposed Dwelling house, garage, foul treatment system and percolation area at Ballyhannon North, Quin, Co Clare for Victor & Rita Leyden
Extension to dwelling at Clenagh Clenagh, Newmarket-on-fergus, clareDescription:
Construct extension to dwelling to comprise of livingroom at Clenagh, Nemwmarket-on-fergus, Co. Clare.