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3899 results

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  • 3 St Anthony's Terrace_Extension & Renovation 3 St Anthony's Terrace, Harmony Row,, , Ennis, Clare, V95 TD5Y

    To change use of existing building from commercial to residential use (b) construct rear extension and carry out renovations and alterations to existing building together with all ancillary site development works and services

    2360292 View details
  • 2766 - Change of use of creche to 4 no. duplex units at Acha Bhile, Loughville, Lahinch Road, Ennis, Co Clare. Lahinch Road, , Ennis, Clare, V95 EAP8

    Change of use of vacant creche to 4 no. 3 beroomed duplex units with lobby extensions, reconfigureation of car parking layout along with all associated site works at Acha Bhile, Loughville, Lahinch Road, Ennis, Co Clare.

    2460207 View details
  • Works at Killard, Doonbeg, Co. Clare (V15KR90) Killard, Doonbeg, Co. Clare, , Killard, Clare, V15 KR90

    Planning permission is sought for an extension to an existing bungalow dwelling at Killard, Doonbeg, Co. Clare, V15KR90, on behalf of Jimmy and Rebecca Kirby of Red Phalarope Investment Holdings Ltd. The proposed works include the demolition of the existing stand-alone garage and removal of the porch, bay window and chimney; raising the roof to accommodate a mezzanine level; provision of a new chimney; and providing an external terrace and stair at this level, including a north-facing dormer. The proposed works include a single-storey block (with roof-lights) to the south, containing 4 no. En-Suite bedrooms; an external terrace; a Guest WC, and a Plant Room External works include relocation of the drivewav entrance on Killard Road, associated landscaping, planters, drainage works and miscellaneous other works.

    P24/60404 View details
  • Trudie McInerney Gratten Street, , Kilkee, Clare, V15 TH24

    Renovate and extend the existing dwelling house, to include raising the roof height and making elevational alterations, along with all associated site works and services at the above address

    2360543 View details
  • Dwelling House at Noonan, Ruan, Co. Clare Noonan, , Ruan, Clare,

    To construct a two storey dwelling house, access road, wastewater treatment system, percolation area, domestic well and all ancillary site works

    2360401 View details
  • to erect dwelling house Moveen West, , Portacarron, Clare,

    to erect dwelling house, garage, foul sewer treatment system, percolation area and new site entrance

    2361 View details
  • Tigger Nest Pre School Shankyle, , Parteen, Clare, V94 NX51

    Material alteration of of an existing Dressing room to a Preschool at Seanchoill Sports Complex, Shankyle Parteen, Co. Clare.

    P2266 View details
  • Shannon Airport – Relocation of Credit Union TERMINAL BUILDING, , Shannon, Clare, V14 EE06

    Refurbishment of existing offices in Shannon Airport

    Application No.:
    View details
  • Adrian Donovan House Tulla Road, , Kilkishen, Clare,

    Construct a 2 Storey dwelling House, detached domestic garage, vehicular entrance and connection to the village wastewater treatment system and public watermains including associated works

    24/60256 View details
  • O Callaghan Extension & Refurb Newpark, , Sixmilebridge, Clare, xxxxxxxxx

    Refurbishment of existing derelict dwelling and for the construction of an extension to same to comprise of kitche/dining, bathroom and En-suite including ancillary site works

    P24/60098 View details



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