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Construct Residential Dwelling at Caher Road, Castlegregory Main Street, , Castlegregory, Kerry,Description:
Construct Single Storey Dwelling at Caher Road, Castlegregory
renovation and extension 7 vesey park, , Lucan, South Dublin, K78 H1X3Description:
(A) demolition of existing single storey garage/ store (B) construction of two storey extension to side (east) elevation, insertion of window at ground floor level on side (east) elevation and alterations to ground floor layout, (C) alterations to existing front porch with new front door and corner window entrance with new flat roof and insertion of new window fenestration to Front (south) elevation (D) construction of new single storey extension to rear (north) Elevation and alterations to existing windows at first floor level and modifications to room layouts. (E) relocation of existing entrance piers and driveway in order to avoid the existing utility street light.
Extension to Existing Dwelling @ 10 Moorehall Rise, Hale Street, Ardee, Co.Louth 10 Moorehall Rise, Hale Steet, , Ardee, Louth, A92 W0Y8Description:
Extension and alterations to Existing Dwelling @ 10 Moorehall Rise, Hale Street, Ardee, Co.Louth
Glenview Tipperary, E45 WP03Description:
2 storey Farmhouse extension
Alterations & Extension to 29 Drummartin Park 29 Drummartin Park, , Goatstown, Dunlaoghaire Rathdown , D14 EK85Description:
Demolition of existing garage/kitchen/outhouses to side/rear, construction of single storey extension to side/rear (extending 900mm to front), infilling existing (internal) porch to front (to extend existing hall) with canopy over, and, alteration/amalgamation of first floor windows to rear (to form single window to bathroom), all to existing house.
Unit 9 Bolands Mill The Barge House, Bolands Mill, , Dublin 4, Dublin 4, D04 Y3Y9Description:
Fit out works to include for a hair stylist studio to allow for compliance with Part B and Part M of the Building Reguations.
Application No.: -
A. Mcloughlin development Main Street, , Headford, Galway, H91 X9K5Description:
1) change of use of existing building (formerly public house) to commercial office. (2) alterations, extensions, refurbishment and part demolition to existing building. (3) all associated site development, external works, and services.
56, St. Brigids Road 56 St. Brigids Road, , Dublin, Dublin 5, D05 H286Description:
2 no. dormer windows to rere at 2nd floor roof level, involving alterations to the existing pitched roof to rere, (b) 1 No. rooflight to front roof & (c) A screened roof terrace to rere at first floor level.
Refurbishment of existing Guest Accommodation to the Rear of 15 Clanbrassil Street 15 Clanbrassil Street, , Dundalk, Louth, A91 FCD9Description:
Refurbishment of existing guest accommodation to the rear of 15 Clanbrassil Street, Dundalk with entrance onto 5 Market Street
Application No.: -
B390 Alterations to front façade of Bank of Ireland, Ellison Street, Castlebar Ellison Street, , Castlebar, Mayo, F23 HY86Description:
Works to front façade (south east elevation), comprising of the installation of 1 no. new ATM, along with alterations to existing door ope and minor internal alterations, together with all associated site works at Bank of Ireland, Ellison Street, Castlebar Co. Mayo