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Residential Development of 1 House at Coolick,Kilcummin, Killarney, County Kerry Coolick, Kilcummin, Killarney, kerryDescription:
Residential Development of 1 House at Coolick, Kilcummin, Killarney, County Kerry
Extension 30 The Rise Kingswood 30 The Rise, Kingswood Heights Tallaght, dublin_24Description:
First floor front side and rear extension to 30 The Rise Kingswood
294 South Circular Road, Dublin 8 294 South Circular Road, -, dublin_8Description:
Proposed extension and alterations to existing mid-terrace dwelling, consisting of demolition of existing rear return, construction of new two-storey rear extension,proposed new attic conversion and roof dormer. New building services associated.
127 Ringsend Park, Dublin 4 127 Ringsend Park, Ringsend, dublin_4Description:
The development consists of the demolition of an existing rear extension, construction of a new rear two-storey extension, general alterations and site works to an existing house at No.127 Ringsend Park, Dublin 4.
Extension and renovation of 13 Oak Lawn, Castleknock, Dublin 15 Oak Lawn, Castleknock, dublin_15Description:
New rear extension of 9 msq, new external insulation throughout with new exterior finishes to match existing house, and associated site works
New Post Room, VHI Kilkenny, IDA Business Park Kilkenny IDA Business Park, Purcellsinch, Kilkenny , kilkennyDescription:
Material Change of use of existing warehouse building, and at IDA Business Park, Purcellsinch, Kilkenny
St. Marys Boys National School - 2 No. Temporary Classrooms 2015 Main Street, Carrigtwohill, corkDescription:
This application relates to a temporary two storey portacabin modular building which consists of two classrooms, office, toilets, lobby and external stairs which is located to the south (rear) of Saint Mary’s Boy’s National School, Carrigtwohill, Co. Cork
46 Charleville Avenue, Dublin 3 46 Charleville Avenue, North Strand, dublin_3Description:
Replacement of roof tiles and conversion of attic space into a studio area with a new dormer window and two velux windows. Access to the studio will be provided by a new internal stair case in the hallway.
Extension to 94 The Meadows 94 The Meadows, Belgooly, corkDescription:
Extension to existing dwelling
Extension and alterations at St. Conleths Community College, Newbridge, Co Kildare Station Road, Newbridge, kildareDescription:
(a) the removal of existing ruins of changing facilities at the athletics track, (b) the construction of a new part single, part two, part three-storey post primary school comprising of general classrooms, specialist classrooms, social areas, administration areas, specialist accommodation for pupils with special educational needs, circulation areas, and other ancillary accommodation totalling 4500 sq.m, (c) the internal alteration of the existing Sports Facility facilitating link to the above new building, (d) the single-storey extension of the existing Sports Facility comprising of two new changing room facilities and ancillary accommodation totalling 102 sq.m, (e) the provision of service yard, new drop-off, bus turning, and car parking area for 135 no. cars, the alteration of existing access road at Station Road, and ancillary site works.