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Extension & Alterations to CBS Primary School and Colaiste Eamon Ris School, Wexford Green Street, Thomas Street & , corner of Joseph Street, wexfordDescription:
Boundary works and site works to CBS Primary School to include the relocation of underground MV transmission and LV lines, along with the installation of a new oil tank and sub stattion
4 Arranmore Road, Dublin 4 4 Arranmore Road, Donnybrook, dublin_4Description:
Demolition of the existing single storey return terraced garage and demolition of part of 2 storey rear return, construction of (a) 2 storey extension to the side and rear (b) single storey extension to the rear (c) new dormer window to existing second floor (d) widening of existing vehicular entrance gate (e) associated site works
side story extension 2 stoneyhurst, dooradoyle, limerickDescription:
single story front extension and one and half side story extension to existing dwelling
Proposed CHP Building at Eli Lilly Dunderrow, Kinsale, corkDescription:
Proposed Single Storey Industrial Building to accommodate CHP Plant located at Eli Lilly, Dunderrow, Kinsale
Application No.: -
New Day Room - St Doolaghs St. Doolaghs Park Care & Rehabilation Centre, Malahide Road,, Dublin, dublinDescription:
The provision of 33.6 sq.m. of new day room accommodation at first floor level of existing nursing home and all associated works.
Glounaguillagh National School Muingaphuca, Caragh Lake, kerryDescription:
Extension to existing school and all associated site services.
house extensions to existing dwelling Vezelay, Islandikeane, Fenor, Tramore, waterfordDescription:
single storey extensions to both sides of existing house, conversion of attic space to play room, elevational alterations,new detached garage, new treatment plant and all associated site works.
Happy Feet Playschool Extension & Material Alterations of existing building at Knockroe, Castlerea, PD/15/91 applies Knockroe, Castlerea, roscommonDescription:
Proposed Extension and Alterations to Happy Feet Playschool at Knockroe, Castlerea, Co. Roscommon. Planning Reference 15/91.Extension to consist of additional play room with alterations to include additional toilet facilities and cooking facilities
3 no Houses (10 to 12) at Kensington Rochestown Avenue, DunlaoireDescription:
Proposed three no houses (10 to 12) with basements modified from previously granted houses (Planning ref:- D13A/0468/CN No 8349926 / CN0000984DR).
mcleish house Ballykildea , Killaloe , Killaloe , clareDescription:
erection of a private dwellinghouse