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Domestic refurbishment Bridge Street Bridge Street, Clifden, galwayDescription:
Domestic refurbishment and extension, Bridge St, Clifden, Co Galway
Application No.: -
Sub division of retail shop Unit 26 at Kildare Village, Nurney Road, Kildare Town. Unit 26, Kildare Village. Nurney Road., Kildare Town, kildareDescription:
Sub division of existing retail Unit 26 to create two new retail Units, 26a & 26b together with the installation of a free standing demountable storage platform with access stairs to each unit. Formation of new front door opening to Unit 26b and new rear door opening to Unit 26a. Associated drainage, services and external elevational works.
Extension at 64 Mayorstone drive, Limerick 64 Mayorstone Drive, Mayorstone, Limerick, limerickDescription:
Demolish existing storey annex to gable and rear of existing dwelling and the construction of a two storey extension to the gable and rear of the dwelling together with single stoey extensions to the rear of the dwelling, a revised vehicular entrance location and associated site works.
Hartley Extension 24 Marlton Demense, Wicklow, wicklowDescription:
Proposed New extension to side of existing dwelling
Slatted shed and underground slurry storage tank Drumganus , Castleblayney , monaghanDescription:
Construct a four bay slatted shed and underground slurry storage tank together with all ancillary site development works
Dungourney Whiskey Maturation Warehouse (D129/D130) Ballynona, Dungourney, corkDescription:
Construction of Whiskey Maturation Warehouse (D129/D130) in a development consisting of 20 similar buildings (each building contains two warehouses). Buildings have plan dimensions of 48.32m x 65m with a height to eaves of 9.575m and a ridge height of 11.69m. The structure is a double span steel portal frame on a 6.5m grid supported on pad foundations. The roof is clad in Kingspan KS1000RW cladding supported on steel purlins and the walls are constructed in blockwork. A central separating blockwork wall divides the building into two warehouses.
171 Killester Avenue, Killester, Dublin 5 171 Killester Avenue, Killester, dublin_5Description:
New single storey extension to rear of 171 Killester Avenue, Killester, Dublin 5, with associated works.
Residential private dwellinghouse extension Doonaha West, Kilkee, clareDescription:
Removal of existing extension, construction of new extension & retention of refurbished shed.
Single Storey Extension to Dwelling at Ovensbridge, Ovens, Co. Cork. Southwinds, Knockanemore, , Ovensbridge, Ovens, corkDescription:
Single storey extension to side of dwelling at Southwinds, Knockanemore, Ovensbridge, Ovens, Co. Cork.
Residential Renovation at Gweedore Gweedore, Bishopstown Avenue, corkDescription:
Extension, renovation and refurbishment of existing dwelling to include the following works, external insulation and replacement of windows and doors, an extension to the existing kitchen, and a single storey self-contained accommodation consisting of bedroom, bathroom, kitchen/ living room which is linked to the existing dwelling house and all associated site works at Gweedore, Bishopstown Avenue, Model Farm Road, Cork.