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Change of use of Provincial Bank at St. George's Tce. St. George's Tce., Carrick on Shannon, leitrimDescription:
Change of use of Provincial Bank building to Restaurant & Cookery School
Link Corridor & Meeting Room Dublin Road, Cavan, cavanDescription:
Single Storey Link Corridor & Meeting Room to the rear of the existing hotel with all ancillary works at The Hotel Kilmore, Dublin Road, Cavan
Epic Ireland, The CHQ Building, George's Dock Epic Ireland, The CHQ Building, Georges Dock , Custom House Quay, dublin_1Description:
Refurbishment to Stack A / chq Building. Exempted development under Section 25 of the Dublin Docklands Development Authority Act, 1997. Please refer to the attached letter for a further description of proposed works.
Boylesports, Weavers Row, Clonsilla, Dublin 15 Weavers Row, Clonsilla, dublin_15Description:
Construct a single storey extension to the rear of existing bookmakers and all associated site development works.
Austin Cleere Dwelling Inchirourke, Gortnahoe via Thurles, tipperaryDescription:
Dwelling, wastewater treatment system and entrance
Killadreenan 10 Killadreenan, Newtownmountkennedy, wicklowDescription:
Demolition of part of existing semi detached cottage, and reconstruction of same with increased floor area and link to retained part of existing house, including associated site works.
Ciara Twohig 28 Baldoyle Road, , Sutton, , dublin_13Description:
New dormer attic conversion to rear of existing house, with raised ridge height of 400mm, rosette balcony to first floor at rear and new porch to front.
Derravoher Villiers North Circular Road, Limerick, limerickDescription:
permission for change of use from private dwelling to reading rooms, study rooms and meeting rooms, including minor internal changes to facilitate the change of use and proposed thermal upgrade of fenestration within the school grounds at Villiers
32 Montpelier Hill 32 Montpelier Hill, -, dublin_7Description:
A dormer window in attic and attic conversion, classed as storage space.
New Dwelling at Green Road, Bagenalstown, Co. Carlow Green Road, Bagenalstown, carlowDescription:
The provision of one new single storey dwelling house (gross internal floor area of 299sqm), with detached domestic double garage (gross internal floor area 50sqm), new vehicular access from Green Road, domestic waste water treatment plant & polishing filter, private well & associated landscaping works