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Dwelling house at Derreen Achill Derreen (Bleanaskill\), Achill, mayoDescription:
Construction of dwelling house and garage and effluent treatment system together with associated site works previous planning reference P04-2777
William Kettyle - new dwelling and garage @ Drumuck, Stradone, Co Cavan Drumuck, Stradone, cavanDescription:
Construct a fully serviced dormer type dwelling; entrance onto public road; boundary treatments; proprietary waste water treatment system and associated percolation area; together with all ancillary site works
27 Upper Beaumount Drive, Blackrock 27 Upper Beaumount Drive, Blackrock, Cork, corkDescription:
Demolition of a garage, construction of a two storey side and rear extension, alteration to existing dwelling and all associated site works, including enlarging of front boundary gate
Proposed refurbishment & extension of existing dwelling Baggotstown, Bruff, limerickDescription:
Proposed refurbishment & extension of existing dwelling to include a granny flat, increasing the ridge height to allow for accommodation in the roof space, new packaged waste-water treatment system with raised polishing filter and all associated site works
New Dwelling House at Cruit Island-Kevin Duffy Cruit Island, Kincasslagh, donegalDescription:
Proposed erect new dwelling house with domestic garage, septic tank treatment system and all associated site development works.
Alterations and Extension at 5 Jubilee Terrace. 5 Jubilee Terrace, Kilsheelin, tipperaryDescription:
Demolition of existing single-storey extension to rear of residence, construction of new single-storey and part two-storey extension to rear.
Organic Hen House at Clogher, Ballybay Clogher, Ballybay, monaghanDescription:
1 No. organic Poultry house, Meal Bin, Soiled Water tank and associated works.
Seamus Conneely Dwelling Kilroe East, Inverin, galwayDescription:
new dwelling treatment system and associated services
22/23 dawson street 22 - 23 Dawson Street, -, dublin_2Description:
PROTECTED STRUCTURE: The development will consist of: a) change of use in first and second floor from offices to no. 2 apartments, b) demolition of non original internal walls and staircases; c) make good and paint existing external facade and windows; d) removal of 'Harry's Café' sign to west facade; e) construction of new floor plate and adequate fireproofing between floors; f) provision of structural reinforcement at first floor level; g) construction of new partition walls; h) replacement of existing internal non original doors; i) placement of internal soundproof panels to existing windows; j) extension of existing roof terrace and provision of new glazed handrail; k) provision of new staircase from 4th floor to roof terrace with zinc or similar finish, l) with associated site works and landscaping.
The Former Aer Lingus Head Office Building (HOB) Dublin Airport, Cloughran, dublinDescription:
Refurbishment works to the existing 6-storey office building (c.10,836 sq.m gfa), to include: demolition of a single storey ground floor office annex (c.2,530 sq.m. gfa), adjoining the north of the existing building; lowering of the ground floor podium by c.1.1m. to facilitated design revision to western and eastern building entrance at ground floor level; internal refurbishment, reconfiguration and fit out of the existing office building as exempted development (c.8,170 sq.m. gfa excluding roof plant); replacement of all external building facades; consolidation of plant at roof level (c.136 sq.m.) and associated screening; new external terrace (c.150 sq.m.) adjoining the building to the east at surface level; 30 no. new bicycle parking spaces to the west of the building; refurbishment of existing building curtilage including landscaped forecourt and entrance areas; temporary builders compound; and, all associated site development works and landscaping. The existing six storey building reduced in size and subdivided into 2 tenancies per floor.