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Extension of retail unit Johnston Court Shopping Centre, Sligo, sligoDescription:
Proposed amalgamation of retail unit 13 and 14, Johnston Court, Sligo
1443 Intact office fitout Unit 13, 14 & 15 Blackthorne Business Park, Coes road, Dundalk, louthDescription:
the development consists of a) to combine three no light industrial / office units into one unit, b) & all associated site development works to a protected structure ref D149
Cloghroe Church Coolgfugh, Cloghroe, corkDescription:
The reburbishment of the existing church building to include: the demolition of the existing single storey sacristy, removal of the existing bell structure and the construction of a two storey entrance at the western side incorporating a bell tower, a single storey sacristy structure on the southern side, a single storey structure for ancillary accommodation on the northern side, associated landscaping and drainage works.
10 Bed extension, entrance area and canopy in Baldoyle Dublin Street, Baldoyle, dublin_13Description:
10 Bed extension, new entrance area and canopy in St Patricks Nursing Home, Baldoyle, Dublin 13
Motor valeting building, Crosstown, Ardcavan, Wexford Crosstown, Ardcavan, wexfordDescription:
Single storey 217 sq.m. motor valeting and wash building, ancillary to proposed motor sales and service facility
Construction of single storey motor sales and service facility, at Crosstown, Ardcavan. Crosstown, Ardcavan, wexfordDescription:
Single storey 1,523sq.m. motor sales and service facility.
Rita Fitzpatrick, Kilquade. No.9 New Russian Village,, Kilpedder East, Kilquade,, wicklowDescription:
(1) New front Porch to Dwelling (2) Alterations to window/door openings on front and side elevations of dwelling (3) new detached Domestic Garage at No.9 New Russian Village, Kilpedder East,Kilquade, Co. Wicklow.
Strand Road, Duffsfarm, Termonfeckin Strand Road, Termonfeckin, louthDescription:
One and a half storey dwelling with standalone garage and waste treatment system
Alterations to dwelling at 9 Kendalstown Rise,Delgany 9 Kendalstown Rise,Bellevue Hill, Delgany, wicklowDescription:
Alterations comprising replacement of 3 dormer windows with single continuous flat roofed dormer,relocation of existing rooflights and provision of new rooflights,new pitched roof dormer window to north elevation.
St Joseph,s Ward, Coombe Women and Infant University Hospital, Dublin 8 Cork Street, Dolphins Barn, dublin_8Description:
The project involves the phased alterations and refurbishment of in-patient accommodation totalling approximately 227sqm on first floor, which constitutes a part of the existing St.Joseph’s Ward.
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