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Restaurant Fit Out at 4 Fr Mathew Street Father Mathew Street, Cork City, corkDescription:
Internal fit out works of an existing building to cater for a new restaurant.
Application No.: -
Majella Tiernan & Enda Kerrigan Dooghmakeon, , Louisburgh, mayoDescription:
Dwelling house and ancillary site works
12 Merton Park, South Circular Road, Dublin 8 12 Merton Park, Off South Circular Road, dublin_8Description:
Proposed demolition of existing single storey extension to rear, single storey garage to side, single storey porch extension to front and chimney stack to side of main roof and proposed construction of a new partial single storey, partial two storey extension to the rear and side and associated internal modifications to existing dwelling with external landscaping and replacement of existing front boundary wall (comprising of brick and metal railings) with new metal railings in keeping with existing streetscape to incorporate the widening of existing vehicular access to off street parking and a new pedestrian gate.
Skibbereen Community School Gortnaclohy, Skibbereen, corkDescription:
The proposed development of a new 2 storey 900 pupil post primary School Building, comprising of 30 no. Specialist Classrooms, 23 no. General Classrooms, P.E. hall, General Purpose hall, kitchenette & servery, offices, staff areas,4 class base special needs unit, sanitary and ancillary accommodation. site works include the demolition of existing semi-derelict farm outbuilding & livestock pens, proposed site works to include provision for 95 no. car parking spaces including accessible parking via proposed new vehicular & pedestrian access road, including bus turning circle and drop-off and pick-up facilities and fire tender access road. new pedestrian link to rossa college, north street. External works to include covered bicycle racks, formation of 5 no. ballcourts, G.A.A. playing pitch, SNU play area and external storage yard and ancillary site engineering works. External play areas will not be floodlit. The overall site area will be landscaped with grass/planted areas and complete with new boundary treatment. Further site works include an extension of the Gortnaclohy link road north from High Street to the new school entrance and new temporary roundabout and realignment of high street between the existing Gortnaclohy link road junction and Poundhill, including reconfiguration of entrance to Poundhill estate and all associated site works.
Domestic Extension @ 5 Brighton Court Brighton Court, FoxrockDescription:
2 storey extension and attic conversion,
Dwelling, Garage, ETS and Ancillary works at Ballyfarrell, Blueball, Tullamore. Ballyfarrell, Blueball, offalyDescription:
Extension 34 Beechbrook Park, Kilmuckridge, Gorey, wexfordDescription:
Erect an extension and carry out alterations to existing serviced dwelling house
2013153 BAM Bundle 4 Carrick- on- Suir, County Tipperary, tipperaryDescription:
2013153 New 2-Storey 500 Pupil Post Primary School Building inclusive of all related External Play Areas, G.A.A Playing Pitch, External Storage Yard, Car-parking and Access Road, Road Improvement Works to facilitate future Access to Development.
Conor McMahon & Arlen McDaniel - new dwelling & garage at Carrowreagh, Muff, Kingscourt, Co. Cavan. Carrowreagh, Muff, Kingscourt, cavanDescription:
Erect a storey and a half type design dwelling, erect a detached domestic garage, form new entrance walls and piers, install wastewater treatment system and percolation area and all associated site works