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Dwelling at Meadstown, Dunderry Meadstown, Dunderry, meathDescription:
One and a half storey dwelling, detached garage, new entry onto existing cul-de-sac, septic tank, percolation area and all associated site works
SNU & Entrance extension to Scoil Chaoimhin Naofa, Glendalough Brockagh, Glendalough, wicklowDescription:
Construction of a single storey extension to the north of the existing school to include a new SNU classroom and support spaces and a single storey entrance extension to the south to include an entrance area and reception office along with all associated site works.
Residential Development of 1 house at Lackareagh, Lissarda Lackareagh, Lissarda, corkDescription:
Demolition of existing house & construction of replacement house, waste water treatment system & modification to existing farm gate entrance to provide new house entrance.
Jonathan Foley & Fiona Curran Dromin West, , Milltown,, kerryDescription:
Construction of a dwelling house with connection to septic tank and percolation area and all associated site works
Lands at Wilton Place, Lad Lane, Pembroke Row, Dublin 2 Lands at Wilton Place, Lad Lane, Pembroke Row, dublin_2Description:
The overall development consists of a new office building of six storeys (over basement); approx. 17,658 sq.m; this element of the project consists of the erection of hoardings around the site, demolition of existing buildings, removal of existing overground and underground fuel tanks, incl any contaminated soil; all in preparation for the future development of the site.
Single storey dwelling and associated site works at Knockanemore, Ovens, Co. Cork Knockanemore , Ovens, corkDescription:
Demolition of agricultural buildings, construction of single storey dwelling, sewerage treatment system and associates site works
Two Storey Extension to rear of existing dwelling 01 Connelly Terrace, Bohermore, Galway City, galwayDescription:
Two Storey Extension to rear and porch to the front of Existing dwelling
St. John of God Upper New Street, Kilkenny, kilkennyDescription:
The development will consist of the demolition of 2 pre-fab classrooms and 1 standalone classroom to the rear of the school, the provision of 3 new clasrooms and entrance area in a part two storey; part single storey extension to the front; renovation of the existing front facade, re-design of car parking to front; a new set down area; and all associated site works.
Rann Mor Meadow Creevesmith, Letterkenny, donegalDescription:
Erection of 2 no. dwellings and associated site works
MCC Room at Janssen Pharmaceutical Wallingstown, Little Island, corkDescription:
To construct a new MCC room as part of the Waste Water Treatment Plant Upgrade at Janssen Pharmaceutical, Wallingstown, Little Island, Cork
Application No.: