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Extension to the Existing Irish Institute of Sport Building National Sports Campus, Abbotstown , dublin_15Description:
The development will consist of an extension to the existing Irish Institute of Sport Building. The new extension will be a single storey extension with a floor area of 3,100sqm used for high performance sports training. The facility will consist of 120m - four lane sprint track and conditioning area, mixed use training zone, boxing gym, medical treatment rooms, relaxation zone and changing facilities. The development will involve the demolition of the existing standalone single storey plant room buildings. The facility will also consist of an extension to the existing car park with an additional 34 spaces being provided to the 26 spaces currently on site. A bicycle stand with 30 spaces will be provided in this place.
Residential Development at Glanycummane Upper, Freemount, Charleville, County Cork Glanycummane Upper, Freemount, Charleville, corkDescription:
Residential Development at Glanycummane Upper, Freemount, Charleville, County Cork
Denis Kelleher Tullig, Millstreet, corkDescription:
Demolition of existing dwelling house and out building and construction of a new dwelling house and associated site work @ Tullig, Millstreet, Co. Cork for Denis Kelleher.
Dwelling at Ballytrasna, Corcreaghy Ballytrasna, Dundalk, louthDescription:
For the demolition of existing single storey detached dwelling & the construction of a two storey replacement dwelling & attached granny flat, single storey detached garage, new proprietary waste water treatment system, polishing filter, new vehicular entrance onto public road, blocking up of existing entrance to public road & associated site works Ballytrasna, Corcreaghy, Dundalk, Co. Louth for Bernard McKenna
Utility Block Vistakon (Ireland) Ltd., National Technology Park, Plassey, , Limerick, limerickDescription:
New utility building extending the building on the northwest corner, and associated ancillary works (addition of plant and equipment including tanks, cooling towers, pipe bridge and a temporary intermediate bulk container store)
St Marys College St Marys College, St Marys Road, Dundalk,, louthDescription:
Construction of new 2 storey 900 pupil Post Primary School building, comprising of 29 no. specialist classrooms, 21 no. general classrooms, P.E. Hall, General Purpose Hall, Kitchenette & Servery, Offices, Staff Areas, Sanitary and ancillary accommodation.
St Josephs Secondary School St Josephs Secondary School, Tulla, clareDescription:
Development of a new 2 storey 650 pupil Post Primary School building, comprising of 26 no Specialist classrooms, 10 No general classrooms, P.E. Hall, General Purpose Hall, Kitchenette & Servery, Offices, Staff Areas, 2 class base Special Needs Unit, Sanitary and ancillary accommodation.
1355 - Divine Word NS - New Classrooms Marley Grange, Rathfarnham, dublin_16Description:
Construction of a new part single storey and part two storey building to west side of existing school comprising 4 no. classrooms, 4 no. resource rooms and ancillary accommodation; removal of 3 no. existing pre-fabricated classroom buildings; new basketball court to south west of existing school; associated site development and site boundary works.
Works to existing dwelling at 16 Ashbrook 16 Ashbrook, Ennis Rd, Limerick, limerickDescription:
New pitched roof over existing flat roof to family room and new glazed enclosure development to existing porch/all of front of house.
New Dwelling House Dundian, Emyvale, monaghanDescription:
New Dwelling House and Wastewater treatment system with site entrance and site works