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CJ House Mullagh cross Mullagh Cross Roads, Kilcock, meathDescription:
single dwelling house
Single Storey Extension, Kingspan Corgarry, Kingscourt, cavanDescription:
To construct a single storey extension to front/side of the existing manufacturing facility, re-cladding and alterations to front and side elevations of existing 2 storey adjoining building, connection to all existing services and associated site works at Carrickmacross Road, Corgarry, Kingscourt, Co Cavan for Kingspan Ltd.
Elaine Murphy & David Mellamphy Knocknalyre, Blarney, corkDescription:
Construction of a 2 storey dwelling house and all associated site works @ Knocknalyre, Blarney, Co. Cork for Elaine Murphy & David Mellamphy
13 Tritonille Road, Sandymount, Dublin 4 13 Tritonville Road, Sandymount, dublin_4Description:
Permission to create front off street parking, replace section of railing with replica sliding gate, new retaining wall & new paving, all to front garden.
Barry O'Hagan Rooskey, Newtowncunningham , donegalDescription:
Dwelling house and treatment system
Bay Restaurant, 370 Clontarf Road, Clontarf, Dublin 3 Bay Restaurant, 370 Clontarf Road, Clontarf, dublin_3Description:
The development will consist of the replacement of existing permitted canopy umbrella with a spanning retractable canopy on a pergola structure made from aluminium and stainless steel 6 metres in width and extending out from the building a distance of 4.2 metres.
Site 7 & 8, Fairhaven Fairhaven, Churchview Road, Killiney, dublinDescription:
Construction of 2 no, 2.5 storey, semi-detached dwellings (to be known as nos. 7 & 8 Fairhaven) and associated works
Naionrai Thaobh Na Coille Adjacent to Gaelscoil Thaobh na Coille, Belarmine, Sandyford, , dublin_18Description:
Proposed relocation of a Pre-School Structure to a site adjoining the existing School, Gaelscoil Thaobh na Coille; in Belarmine, Sandyford, Dublin 18
Extension to Finn Residence, Lerhin. Lehrin, Clonbur, galwayDescription:
to construct an extension to a dwellinghouse, a new site entrance and associated site works (gross floor space 77.74sqm)
32 Cluan Enda 32 Cluan Enda, Dundalk, louthDescription:
Two Storey Extension to the rear of an Existing Dwelling