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Dwelling house and all ancillary site works at Ballykilmore, Tyrellspass, Co Westmeath Ballykilmore, Tyrellspass, westmeathDescription:
Construction of a dwelling house with all ancillary site works at Ballykilmore, Tyrellspass, Co Westmeath
Embassy of France in Ireland 66 Merrion Square, Dublin 2, and 66 Fitzwilliam Lane, Dublin 2, Dublin, dublin_2Description:
The development will consist of: 1) the addition of a reconstructed A-frame and hipped roof in natural slate (to replace existing 1960's flat roof) over the rear extension of the Georgian House, and related works to adjacent bathroom extension; 2) the provision of a free-standing security post in the entrance hall of the house; 3) the addition of a single-storey 'orangery' to the garden area behind the house as a multi-functional space, and the re-landscaping of the current parking area as a garden with a reduction in parking spaces from 8 no. to 5 no.; 4) the refurbishment of the existing 1960's office building onto Fitzwilliam Lane and its change of use to the Embassy's new consular facility, including works to the front and rear facades and ground floor extension to the Lane; 5) the addition of 4 no. flagpoles (2 no. to Merrion Square and 2 no. to Fitzwilliam Lane); 6) conservation of the brickwork of the house facades and the addition of security cameras to the front and rear facades of the house and to the rear boundary onto Fitzwilliam Lane, and of a satellite dish to be located in the valley between existing front and rear roofs of the house.
Surgery at Rose Lawn Ballincollig Rose Lawn, Poulavone, Ballincollig, corkDescription:
Change of use of existing dwellinghouse and crèche facility to commercial use for a doctors surgery and permission for revised entrance, new exit, the laying of a new driveway and parking, new signage to entrance and associated site development works.
Refurbishment of 8 Longford Terrace 8 Longford Terrace, Monkstown , dublinDescription:
Removal of existing lift shaft and reinstatement of habitable living space at each level. Alterations to the existing bathrooms, minor alterations to the basement level layout, formation of a wider opening between the kitchen and the living/dining room at ground level, formation of a wider opening to the rear at ground level, formation of external bike/bin store, provision of a skylight to the ensuite bathroom, provision of solar panels on roof valley.
Shane McManus Michelle Kelly Lismullyduff, Killygordon, donegalDescription:
construction of a Dwelling House, Garage/Store and Septic Tank/Sewage Treatment System
Philip & Maeve McLaughlin Stragaddy, Termon, Letterkenny, donegalDescription:
Construction of a Dwelling, Domestic Garage and Waste Water Treatment System
Yubiao Huang 243 GREENFIELD COURT TOM BELLEW AVE, DUNDALK, louthDescription:
Permission for a two storey extension to side of an existing dwelling and associated site works
22 Park Drive, Ranelagh, Dublin 6 22 Park Drive, Ranelagh, dublin_6Description:
PROTECTED STRUCTURE: Demolition of single storey extension and construction of a new single storey extension to the rear & other ancillary works
The Oyster Bar at The Temple Bar 45-48 Temple Bar and , 14-16 Temple Lane South, dublin_2Description:
The change of use of the existing retail unit at ground floor level of no. 46 Temple Bar to an oyster bar/retail unit, provision of 2.4 metre ope at ground floor level between no.s 46 and 47 Temple Bar facilitating access from the adjoining pub and the provision of revised window fenestration and signage at ground floor to 46/47 Temple Bar and 15-16 Temple Lane South
Extension to Dwelling Lemaneaghmore, Newmarket-on-fergus, clareDescription:
Construct new sunroom to front of existing dwelling