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Dwelling house at Lankhill, Westport, Co. Mayo Lankhill, Westport, mayoDescription:
Extension at Claddanure West, Kenmare Claddanure West, Kenmare, kerryDescription:
alteration & extension of existing dwelling to include internal modifications to existing layout, the construction of single storey extensions to the north and east and ancillary site works
Construction of Industrial Unit Lissyviggeen, Killarney, kerryDescription:
Demolish an existing structure and construct a new industrial unit complete with proprietary waste water treatment unit and polishing filter.
Extension to existing property at 125 Mayorstone Upper, Mayorstone, Limerick. 125 Mayorstone Upper, Limerick, limerickDescription:
Construction of a two storey extension and associated works. The works include the construction of blockwork from ground floor to first floor and roof level, construction of first floor and roof structure, including associated electrical and plumbing works. This commencement notice does not cover the work to date (construction of foundations, rising blockwork, & ground floor slab)
Private dwelling house at Cornanool, Castlebar Cornanool, Castlebar, mayoDescription:
Construction extension and renovations to existing house together with effluent treatment system
Proposed Acoustic Barrier Glanbia Drogheda Dublin Road, Drogheda, louthDescription:
The packaging store at the southeast end of the side adjacent to the exisitng workshop building shall be extended. This store will measure 62m2 in area and match the existing roof level of the retained workshop building. The acoustic barrier shall be constructed at parapet level above the packaging store extension & match the parapet level to the southern elevation of the building facing the Dublin road.
Dr Ihsan Butt-Carrickane Carrickane, Cavan, cavanDescription:
convert existing attached domestic garage to living accommodation, erect fully serviced attached domestic garage & also erect single storey conservatory type extension with associated alterations to elevations and all ancillary works
3 Classroom Extension to St. Brendans Community School Cappaneale, Birr, offalyDescription:
Single Storey Extension to St. Brendans Community School comprising of 2No. Science Rooms, Science Preparation Room, General Classroom and link corridor with associated site development works.
Residential Development at 161 Seafield Road 161 Seafield Road , Clontarf , dublin_3Description:
The Works consists of the construction of single storey extensions; Construction is of concrete strip foundations; block work walls; concrete ground floors; timber first floors; pitched cut roofs. Site works include drainage; paving’s; fencing; landscaping. Finishes include plastered external and internal walls; clay tile roofs; PVC windows; softwood doors; hardwood, ceramic tile and carpet flooring; plastered ceilings; built-in furniture and fittings. Services include gas fired central heating;
Extension to Existing Dwelling for Alva & Robert Tully (Tramore) 32 Rocksprings, Clarinwood, Tramore, waterfordDescription:
Construct a first floor extension over existing single storey living area and construct single storey extensions to both rear and side of existing dwelling at 32 Rocksprings, Clarinwood, Tramore