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Paul Farrell Garryduff, Gowran, Co. KilkennyDescription:
Erection of Milking Parlour, Dairy, Collection Yard and Ancillary Works
99 Balloonagh Estate Extension to Residence 99 Balloonagh Estate, Tralee, kerryDescription:
Extension to existing residence including playroom utility bathroom and upstairs bedroom less than 40 sq metres
House at Shantemon Shantemon, Cavan, cavan, n/aDescription:
Two storey detached dwelling with detached domestic dwelling with sewerage treatment unit.
Earl House Earl Street, Dundalk, Dundalk, louthDescription:
Extension, Elevation Changes and Internal Alterations to Existing Building - Earl House, Earl Street Dundalk Co.Louth
Domestic Extension No. 20 Gort Na Ri, Trim, meathDescription:
Single storey extension to rear of existing dwelling comprising seasonal play school to accommodate 10 children together with domestic accommodation. The development also includes modifications to existing elevations, driveway to accommodate 3 no. car spaces, widening of entrance and general site works.
31 Ferguson Road 31 FERGUSON ROAD, DRUMCONDRA, DUBLIN 9, dublinDescription:
proposed single storey extension to existing dwelling
Two storey dwelling with off-street car parking 11A Corrig Close, Greenpark, , Walkinstown, dublin_12Description:
Construction of a two storey dwelling with off-street car parking
Extension to Dwelling at 1 Rustic Road, The Grange, Waterford, 1 Rustic Road, The Grange, waterfordDescription:
Single Storey Extension to Existing Dwellinghouse
BREDA O'ROURKE 20 Cluain Ard, Kilmaley, Ennis, clareDescription:
2 Ailesbury Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4 2 Ailesbury Road, Ballsbridge, dublin_4Description:
proposed refurbishment of existing house and garden run extension to rear at lower ground floor level