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Phase 2C: Residential Development, Duplex Block B - 151 - 166 Gort Mell, Drogheda, Co. Louth. 30 Gort Mell, , Drogheda, Louth,Description:
Construction of 16 No. duplex apartments, comprising 8 no. 1 Bedroom units at ground floor and 8 no. 2 bedroom duplex units above at first and second floor, Block B at 151 - 166 Gort Mell, Drogheda, Co. Louth.
DK & AL HOUSE BUILD Castlehacket, , Loughill, Galway,Description:
Own Replacement house Balleeghan, , Balleeghan East, Donegal,Description:
(1) Permission to demolish our existing Mica defective block, high pitched roofed dwelling house with first floor accommodation, granted under planning ref: 04/11268 (2) Permission to construct a replacement 1.5 Storey dwelling house with smaller footprint/overall floor area, with the new replacement dwelling foul drainage pipework to be connected to our existing previously approved foul system as granted under planning ref: 04/11268
EnglishTarmacQuarry Ballynilard, , Tipperary, Tipperary, NoneDescription:
The development will consist of 1. Permission for filling and raising of former quarry for agricultural use, using clean, inert construction and demolition waste, soil and subsoil including all necessary re-seeding and preservation of boundaries and boundary features. 2. Permission for crushing of some imported inert construction and demolition waste including permission for heaping and storage of all recycled aggregate. 3. Permission is also sought for the sale and transport off-site of crushed, recycled aggregate, (circular economy). 4. Permission for installation of prefabricated structures comprising staff canteen, office and toilet accommodation including the installation of on-site effluent treatment system and all associated site development works
Residental development of one two storey building in Clongill Clongill, , Navan, Meath,Description:
The development consists of the construction of a two storey dwelling, domestic garage, provision of a septic tank and percolation area, domestic garage, including all associated site works.
Ryan McSharry - One-Off Dwelling Freffans Little, , Freffans, Meath,Description:
a new single family dwelling house, site entrance, wastewater treatment system and associated site works and services
boherload sc Boherload, , Ballyneety, Limerick,Description:
construction of a house
Eileen Moore Woodleigh, , Dundrum, Tipperary,Description:
Construction of a house, domestic entrance, waste water treatment system and all associated site works. Co. Tipperary.
Proposed dwelling at Brittas, Clonaslee, Co. Laois brittas, , Clonaslee, Laois,Description:
Proposed new dwelling house
NM,a new dwelling house COMMONS, , Croagh, Limerick,Description: