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D&MCA HOUSE BUILD Beagh Beg TD, , Caherlistrane, Galway,Description:
Construct Single Storey Dwelling House at Tonyfoyle, Bailieborough, Co. Cavan Tonyfoyle, , Bailieborough, Cavan,Description:
Construct Single Storey Dwelling House at Tonyfoyle, Bailieborough, Co. Cavan
YGleeson house 56 Cluain Na Laoi, , Kilkishen, Clare,Description:
erect a dwellinghouse and connect to existing services
9 Houses Development, Beaverstown Road, Donabate 79 Beaverstown Road, , Donabate, Fingal,Description:
Permission for development on a 0.353 ha site, a former builders yard, that will consist of (a) Demolition of 3 no. sheds, (b) Blocking up of disused access gate to Benson Close, (c) Construction of 9 no. 2 storey houses with attic accommodation, consisting of (i) 2 no. 5 bedroom detached houses, (ii) 3 no. 3 bedroomed terraced houses, and (iii) 4 no. 4 bedroomed semi detached houses, (d) widening of existing entrance to provide a new access road and footpaths off Beaverstown Road (e) provision of open space (f) All associated site works and boundary treatment works.
Coolough Student Accommodation - Block B Coolough Road, , Galway, Galway,Description:
The development will consist of Student Housing Development comprising of 257 no. bedrooms, along with ancillary student facilities to include student amenity space, student gym, laundry, reception/security area, refuse areas, ESB Substation and Gas Skid split between 2 no. blocks (Block A and Block B) within the site curtilage. The height of Block A extends to 3 storeys with Block B ranging from 1 to 4 storeys, along with an additional plantroom level and outdoor plant compound. The development will also provide for car, motorbike and bicycle parking spaces, and a coach drop off with bus shelter and all associated site development works, including landscaped areas, boundary treatments, drainage works, lighting, site services and infrastructure provision to facilitate the development.
Coolough Student Accommodation - Block A Coolough Road, , Galway, Galway,Description:
The development will consist of Student Housing Development comprising of 257 no. bedrooms, along with ancillary student facilities to include student amenity space, student gym, laundry, reception/security area, refuse areas, ESB Substation and Gas Skid split between 2 no. blocks (Block A and Block B) within the site curtilage. The height of Block A extends to 3 storeys with Block B ranging from 1 to 4 storeys, along with an additional plantroom level and outdoor plant compound. The development will also provide for car, motorbike and bicycle parking spaces, and a coach drop off with bus shelter and all associated site development works, including landscaped areas, boundary treatments, drainage works, lighting, site services and infrastructure provision to facilitate the development.
New dwelling at Drumrane Drung Co. Cavan Drumrane Drung Co. Cavan, , Drumrane Grove, Cavan,Description:
Construct new detached two storey dwelling and all associated site works
New Dwelling House at Casheleenan, Kilmacrennan (24/61269) Casheleenan, , Tawney Upper, Donegal,Description:
Erection of a Dwelling house with all associated site development works
Residential Development at Water Rock Manor (CN No.2) Water Rock Manor, Waterrock, , Midleton, Cork,Description:
Construction of 82 Dwellings at Water Rock Manor, Water Rock, Midleton, Co. Cork
New Bungalow Dwelling Clondoolusk, , PORTARLINGTON, Offaly,Description:
Bungalow dwelling & all associated site works