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1A Ballyhoy Avenue, Dublin 5. Ballyhot Avenue, , Dublin, Dublin 5, D05 AR00Description:
Construction of a single-storey granny flat to the front/side/rear of the existing dwelling, the proposal will include increasing the height of a section of the side boundary wall, with all associated internal alterations and enabling works.
27 Ailesbury Road 27 Ailesbury Road, , Dublin, Dublin 4, D04 V2H6Description:
Extensions and refurbishment works to existing house at Mulberry, 27 Ailesbury Road, Dublin 4
Single Storey Garage ERK/CM 2024 Redbog, , Clonmore, Hacketstown, Carlow,Description:
The construction of a single storey garage and all associated site works
replacement dwelling crufty beamore, , Whiterock Road, Meath,Description:
planning permission for a replacement dwelling, proprietary effluent treatment system with percolation area and all ancillary site works. The existing dwelling house on the site is to be demolished
Brian Heffernan - Dwelling at Rathnasliggeen, Clonmel Rathnasliggeen, , Clonmel, Tipperary,Description:
Construction of a dwelling house all associated site development works at Rathnasliggeen, Clonmel for Brian Heffernan
Single story extension to rear and to side of existing house Grangleclare west, , Kilmeage, Kildare, W91 YK2CDescription:
Extension of single story dethatched dwelling at rear and and single story extension to the side of the existing house with ancillary works. Old septic tank system to be removed and replaced with new waste water treatment system. Both extensions to be of masonry construction. All work to be carried out at Spring House, Kilmeauge, Co.Kildare, W91 YK2C
McNeela - Brookeville Avenue 1 Brookeville Avenue, , Swinford, Mayo, F12AY10Description:
Convert derelict end-terrace house from 2-bed dwelling with kitchen, sitting room, bath, WC.
Alliance Medical Ballinderry Mullingar Ballinderry, , Mullingar, Westmeath, N91 FE40Description:
The construction of a link corridor extension with installation of an MRI & CT Unit to the existing hospital at Ballinderry, Mullingar, Co. Westmeath.
Application No.: -
24-122- GR8 Entertainments Park Street, , Dundalk, Louth, A91 YE37Description:
Change of use from retail unit to sports entertainment premises, signage to front and side elevations, elevational changes and all associated site development works.
Jessica Stokes & Graham Quinn - Dwelling at Priorstown Priorstown, , Kilsheelan, Tipperary,Description:
Construction of a single-storey dwelling, vehicular entrance, tertiary treatment system and site development works at Priorstown, Kilsheelan for Jessica Stokes & Graham Quinn.