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132785 results

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  • Scoil Naisiunta Mhuire extension Moynalty, , Moynalty, Meath,

    Two Mainstream Classroom Extension and Special Educational Needs Suite at Scoil Mhuire Ns, Moynaly, Kells Co Meath

    KA/191092 View details
  • 21 Hollywood Drive 21 Hollywood Drive, , Dublin, Dunlaoghaire Rathdown , D14 PX07

    the demolition of internal partitions, stairs, rear and side garden shed, external chimney and lower hipped roof to South facing side, alterations internally and to side garage front facade, construction of a 12m2 first floor extension to the front over existing garage with new tiled roof extending the existing hipped roof, addition of a 29m2 single storey extension to the rear, 13m2 attic conversion with rear dormer and front rooflight, new windows and external doors throughout, a 30m2 single storey storage shed in rear garden and 2m2 bin store in front driveway, two new windows and a door in side façade, alterations to front boundary wall to widen front entrance gates with kerb dishing, all with associated landscaping and ancillary works.

    D23A/0336 View details
  • EMR Lands Housing Unit Knockgriffin (Imokilly), Water Rock,, , Midleton, Cork,

    Construction of 66 housimg units and all associated ancillary site works at Lands at Knockgriffin (Imokilly) and Water Rock, Midleton, Co. Cork.

    21/07264 View details
  • Residential development of existing house Rathnaruogy, , Rathnarough, Cork,

    Development consists of works to existing dwelling to comprise partial demolition, construction of part single storey extension, modifications to said dwelling, a wastewater system and all associated site works

    235867 View details
  • 51 Rockwell, Ballina Ballina, Mayo, F26 K5W5

    This Development consists of material alterations on original foundations to pyrite affected dwelling, including all other ancillary site works and services.

    24/60410 View details
  • New Dwelling at Ballinderry, Longwood, Co. Meath Ballinderry, , Longwood, Meath,

    Full planning permission for permission for (A) the closure of an existing field gateway and the demolition of existing single-storey agricultural building; (B) the construction of a new single-storey dwelling, together with a new site entrance, septic tank and percolation area; and (C) all associated site works and landscaping

    23/690 View details
  • Langford Row Apartments - Block A Block A - Rear of 5 & 6 Langford Row - T12 E1NC & T12 XYY1, , Cork, Cork,

    Construction of a 2 storey residential block which includes 4 number 2 bedroom apartments

    22/41011 View details
  • Brescia extension Ballytivnan Road, , Sligo, Sligo, F91 E36X

    Construction of a one storey extension to the rear of existing two storey residential building; modifications to the site layout and car parking involving a reduction in car park spaces; and all associated site works.

    PL 24/60178 View details
  • Domestic garage at Clooshgereen Clooshgereen, , Oughterard, Galway,

    construction of domestic garage

    2460794 View details
  • 70 Camden Street, Dublin 2 70 Camden Street, , Dublin, Dublin 2, D02 X864

    Permission for the following alterations and extension to no. 70 Camden Street Lower, Dublin 2, D02 X864, a three storey over basement level terrace building with a part single, part two storey return: Creation of two new apartments and alterations to an existing apartment to create three apartments, one three bedroom and two, two bedrooms. The development will include the demolition of an existing part single storey part two storey return, the construction of a part single storey part four storey new return and the construction of a new set back extension at roof level and an increase in roof ridge level and new windows at roof level at the front and rear. A terrace amenity space will be provided for each apartment at first, second and third floor return level and at roof level. Ground floor alterations to include changes to shop unit and a new shopfront along with 4 no. cycle spaces and bin storage at ground floor level and new basement access from shop unit.

    WEB1367/23 View details



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