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Extension Quigginroe, , Kilquiggin, Wicklow, R93 DR6FDescription:
Extension to the side and rear of existing dwelling
Construction of 1 No. Poultry House at Boharnamoe, Ardee Boharnamoe, , Ardee, Louth,Description:
Construct 1 No. Poultry Layer House together with all ancillary structures, (to include 1 No. meal storage bin, stormwater attenuation tank and soiled water tank), and all associated site works associated with the proposed development
Domestic development at Grangemellon, Athy, Co. Kildare. grangemellon, athy, , Athy, Kildare,Description:
Re construction of Cottage, which was demolished during construction works, (due to structural and H&S grounds) construction of two storey extension to cottage, previously approved under planning 23/169 to same house and associated site work
Dwelling 4775 Hse Drumnanaliv Carrickmacross Drumnanaliv, , Momoney, Monaghan, 00000Description:
Construction of new dwelling to include two-storey & single storey structures and alterations to existing structure to include demolition of the northwest corner wall to connect existing structure to the proposed new build; replacement of existing roof and facade treatments; domestic WWTS and all associated site development works at Drumnanaliv, Carrickmacross, Co. Monaghan
Extension to Clover Hill Foods Ingredients Ltd Millstreet, , Mount Leader Industrial Estate, Cork, P51 E8PYDescription:
Construction of a single storey portal framed storage warehouse onto the rear elevation of the existing facility ( Clover Hill Foods Ingredients Ltd)
Rev 7DN Block J Columb Barrack Ashe Road, , Mullingar, Westmeath,Description:
Proposed Construction of Residential Hostel Accommodation for International Protection Guests Comprising of Three (3) Prefabricated Residential Units, Each with Eight (8) Beds Accommodating 24 Guests at Block J Columb Barrack, Mullingar, Co. Westmeath.
Application No.: -
Roancarraig Extension Harbour Road, , Dublin, Dunlaoghaire Rathdown , A96 TR63Description:
a single-storey extension to the western side and rear of the house with flat roof, parapets and rooflights; with new steps and landing to the side; [2] the extension of the existing dormer window section in the front elevation to the western gable; [3] the connection of the two existing dormer window sections in the rear elevation and the extension of this connected dormer window section the western gable; [4] the replacement of all windows; and [5] the rendering of existing pebbledash areas with smooth render to match the finish of the proposed extension works; with all associated site works.
Change of use from existing commercial unit to childcare facility at Pearse Road, Letterkenny Unit 1 Railway Court, Pearse Road, , Letterkenny, Donegal, F92 C62CDescription:
Change of use of existing commercial unit to a childcare facility at Unit 1 Railway Court, Pearse Road, Letterkenny, Co. Donegal.
Colthurst Extension Harris 12 Colthurst Close, , Lucan, South Dublin, K78 NW62Description:
Construction of flat roof first floor extension over existing ground floor extension to the rear of existing dwelling comprising of bedroom, new gable window and revised internal layout.
To Construct an Extension Main Street, Shinnagh, , Rathmore, Kerry, P51 V449Description:
To construct an extension and renovate existing disused dwelling house