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Belview Wood, Moneygurney - Phase 2a Belview Wood, Maryborough Ridge, Moneygurney, , Douglas, Cork,Description:
The construction of 121 no. 2/3 storey dwelling houses and associated site works. This is Phase 2a of a multi-phase development consisting of the construction of a total of 447 no residential units (313 houses, 134 apartments), creche & associated site works.
Alterations & Extension to Existing Dwelling House at Kilsallagh Lower Kilsallagh Lower, , Kilsallagh, Mayo, F28 X309Description:
Minor alterations to existing facade and construction of extension to front of existing dwelling house, together with all associated site works at Kilsallagh Lower, Westport, Co. Mayo
new dwelling Ballynaglogh West, , Carrignavar, Cork,Description:
Construction of a dwelling house and all associated site works [ opt out ]
L1 West 15 Castle Avenue, , Dublin, Dunlaoghaire Rathdown ,Description:
This application relates to Terrace T8 duplex Block, type D building, comprising of 9 duplex units. The ground floor will comprise 9 no. two bed apartment units with 9no. duplex units overhead. The 9 no. 1st floor, three bed duplex units are accessed by their own private external stairs located in front of the units. There are no common internal areas within the proposed residential Block. Each of the individual units will be own door entry. With the top floor 6.287m above ground floor level.
DUB089 Building C Data Centre – MV Building New Nangor Road, , Lucan, South Dublin,Description:
Construction of a Medium Voltage (MV) switchgear facility that serves the data centre known as Building C.The MV building is a single storey building consisting of three rooms accessed from four external doors. Each room will house electrical switchgear for operational purposes of the aforementioned data centre at Building C Data Centre DUB089 at New Nangor Road, Lucan, South Dublin.
new house Kilroughter, , Galway, Galway,Description:
new dwelling house
DUB089 Building C Data Centre New Nangor Road, , Lucan, South Dublin,Description:
Construction of a new two storey data centre building to be located in Grange Castle Business Park. the construction will be formed with the use of a structural steel frame with in situ reinforced concrete at Nangor Road, Lucan, South Dublin.
L1 West 15 Castle Avenue, , Dublin, Dunlaoghaire Rathdown ,Description:
This application relates to Terrace T4 duplex Block, type C2 building, comprising of 8 duplex units. The ground floor will comprise 8 no. two bed apartment units with 8no. duplex units overhead. The 8 no. 1st floor, three bed duplex units are accessed by their own private external stairs located in front of the units. There are no common internal areas within the proposed residential Block. Each of the individual units will be own door entry. With the top floor 6.287m above ground floor level.
St. Fintan's Villas 16 Saint Fintan's Villas, , Blackrock, Dunlaoghaire Rathdown ,Description:
Demolition of existing bungalow, with granny flat (89sqm), and construction of two storey, 4 bedroom dwelling (142sqm), with new vehicular entrance and all associated site works.
Extension 4 Hillview Close, , Kildermot, Wexford, Y25 EA47Description:
Permission to erect extensions and make alterations to existing dwelling to include demolition of store room and permission to erect a domestic garage and all associated site and ancillary works