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5 Beech Drive, Dundrum ,Dublin 16. 5 Beech Drive, , Dundrum, D16., Dublin, D16 YK74Description:
Development will consist of conversion of existing garage into guest room/study, the construction of single storey ground floor and part first floor extensions to the rear and side incorporating new windows and doors, new rooflights , solar panels , external wall insulation to new extension walls, new hard landscaping to front and rear ,internal alterations , drainage connections, and all ancillary site works.
Gortmolire, Lombardstown Gortmolire, , Lombardstown, Cork, P51 WE1NDescription:
Construction of an extension to rear of dwelling alterations to side and rear of dwelling and for all associated site works.
49 Riverside Grange - Rebuild Ballina, Mayo, F26 T3K7Description:
This development consists of material alterations on original foundations to pyrite affected dwelling, including all other ancillary site works & services
Proposed Refurbishment of Existing Farmhouse Cappanagroun, , Mastergeehy, Kerry, V23 P650Description:
Alterations to an existing dwelling house including the construction of a new extension to the rear of the dwelling.
Slatted Unit Lisbane, , Shanagolden, Limerick,Description:
Construct a new slatted livestock house adjacent to existing slatted livestock house. Proposed livestock house to incorporate easy feed, flow channel & underground slatted surry tank with external agitation points & ancillary concrete. The above development to be carried out with allassoicated ancillary site works.
The Dollards Extension & Refurbishment The Dollards, , Swords, Co Dublin, Fingal, K67 RW68Description:
(i) Demolition of existing sheds & outbuildings (ii) Demolition of existing flat roof single storey extension to rear of existing dwelling (iii) Construction of a new flat roof single storey extension to the rear of existing dwelling (iv) Construction of a new pitched roof single storey extension to side of existing dwelling with flat roof link (v) Refurbishment & alterations to existing dwelling to include raising existing ridge and eaves height and amendments to all elevations (vi) Alterations to existing vehicular entrance to include widened & setback vehicular entrance with separate pedestrian gate (vii) Removal of existing septic tank and installation of new 6PE BAF waste water treatment system with raised soil polishing filter percolation area to rear of property (viii) All associated drainage, site and landscaping works necessary to facilitate the development all at The Dollards, Balheary Road, Swords, Co. Dublin, K67 RW68.
11 Fairways Avenue, Finglas East, Dublin 11 11 Fairways Avenue, , Finglas East, Dublin 11, D11 P8X6Description:
The construction of a single storey granny flat extension to the side of existing dwelling.
13 Saint Anne's Avenue, Raheny, Dublin 5, D05 KX77 13 Saint Anne's Avenue, Raheny, Dublin 5, D05 KX77., , Dublin, Dublin 5, D05 KX77Description:
1.Construction of a single storey extension to the front with alterations to the existing shared canopy and side access. 2.Conversion of the attic to a home office/storage with the provision of a dormer window at the rear. All with ancillary site works.
New Dwelling at Knockanarrigan Knockanarrigan, , Donard, Wicklow,Description:
New block dwelling with slate roof
Fit out of the Factory Building, Bolands Quay Factory Building, Bolands Quay, Barrow St, , Dublin 4, Dublin 4, D04 P049Description:
[Proposed]Fit out of the Factory Building at Bolands Quay, Barrow St, Dublin 4
Application No.: