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23-23 Hse Extension 3 Lenaboy Avenue, , Salthill, Galway, H91 HXA0Description:
Construction of a two storey and single storey rear extension, internal alterations, demolition of existing rear single storey extension and rear store with all ancillary site works at No.3 Lenaboy Avenue, Salthill, Galway.
New dwelling house at Erry Armstrong Clara Erry Armstrong, , Clara, Offaly,Description:
Construction of a single storey detached dwelling, separate garage & Wastewater treatment system
Residential Development of 20 houses at Gort Rd Ennis Co Clare Bóthar an Ghoirt, , Ennis, Clare,Description:
Residential Development of 20 houses and site development works at Gort Rd Ennis Co Clare
Willbrook Street 3 Willbrook Street, , Dublin, South Dublin, D14 FT73Description:
Proposed rear first floor flat roof extension (19.9sq.m), partial demolition of rear extension, extending ground floor rear extension (4.9sq.m) and all associated works
Dwelling at Tattyboy, Inniskeen, Carrickmacross Construction of house, domestic garage and waste water treatment system L4600, , Blackstaff, Monaghan,Description:
Construction of house, domestic garage and waste water treatment system at Tattyboy, Inniskeen, Carrickmacross
Alteration & Extensions at Toor, Goleen Toor, , Goleen, Cork, P81X393Description:
Permission for alterations and extensions to an existing dwellinghouse, to consist of (a) demolition of a bay window and 2 no. dormer windows (b) alterations to internal layout and external fenestration (c) alterations to roof to include installation of rooflights and PV panels (d) construction of single-storey extensions (e) all associated site works.
Residentail works to 181 Bracken Drive Portmarnock County Dublin D13EY63 181 Bracken Drive, , Portmarnock, Fingal, D13 EY63Description:
Single storey extension to front, side and rear. Change location of existing front door to side, and two number windows to front ,at first floor and ground floor levels and associated site works .
18 Rosmeen Gardens, Dun Laoghaire 18 Rosmeen Gardens, , Dublin, Dunlaoghaire Rathdown , A96 TK59Description:
Construction of a part two storey/ part single storey extension to the side and rear of no 18 Rosmeen Gardens, Dun Laoghaire, Co. Dublin, A96 TK59. The works will include the following: 1) Demolition of the existing rear extension and detached garage, and the construction of a new a ground level, single storey flat roofed extension to the rear. 2) Construction of a two-storey pitched roof extension to the side and rear. 3) Alterations at roof level comprising of: one pitched roof dormer to the side, and one flat roofed dormer to the rear. 4) 2 no. rooflights to the side and 1 no. rooflight to the front. 5) Internal alterations including the conversion of the existing attic into a habitable space. 6) General building fabric upgrades and refurbishments site works including widening of existing vehicular access gates to 3.4m, general landscaping, drainage and associated ancillary site works and services.
OPT OUT Construct a single/dormer two storey house, connection to existing sewer and water network at Tullaroan Village, Tullaroan Village,, , Tullaroan, Kilkenny,Description:
to erect a single/dormer two storey house, connection to existing sewer and water network, to use existing splayed entrance to site together with all other associated site works on my lands
New Social Housing at Chapel Road, Dungloe Chapel Road, , Dungloe, Donegal,Description:
Demolish 2 no. cottages and outbuildings and construct 43no.social housing units, comprising 4 no. 1 bed apartments, 20. no. 2 bed apartments, 7no. 2 bed dwellings, 8no. 3 bed dwellings and 4no. 4 bed dwellings. The development will include landscaping, a new access road, a pumping station and all associated site development works at Chapel Road, Dungloe.