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47/49 Pearse Street 47/49 Pearse Street, , Dublin, Dublin 2, D02 YN40Description:
Non-structural fit out of existing 4th floor office space comprising: new offices, meeting rooms, staff canteen, open plan desk areas and photocopy room. Please note no Planning Permission, Fire Safety Cert nor Disability Access Cert required for these works. No change of approved use.
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1 Ship Street Great 1 Ship Street Great, , Dublin, Dublin 8, D08 V8C5Description:
Non-structural Interior Tenant fitout of an existing office space. Please note: no planning permission, fire safety nor Disability Access cert required for these work. No change of use, no tenancy changes, no change to approved fire & disability Access strategies. No elevational changes.
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21 Charlemont Place 21 Charlemont Place, Saint Kevin's, , Dublin, dublin_2, D02 WV10Description:
Internal, Non Structural alterations to an existing office fit out. Please note no Planning Permission, Fire Safety Cert nor Disability Access Cert is required for these minor alterations.
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Sports Direct Internal Fitout - Bray Main St, Bray, Co. Wicklow, , Bray, Wicklow, A98 EA48Description:
The development consists of a material alteration of: • Strip out and amendment of existing retail fittings and fixtures • Amendment and repair of existing services • Instillation of new retail fittings and fixtures For Anchor Unit 2, Bray Town Centre, Main Street, Bray, Co. Wicklow. Access to the Unit is from the ground floor entrance lobby. There are also several existing escape stairs along the perimeter. Previous Fire Cert history: • Fire Safety Certificate No: BC 4244/2020 and BC 3970/2018
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Tesco Stores - Maynooth - Timpsons & Blackberry Hearing Units Tesco, Dublin Road., Maynooth, kildare, W23 W6X3Description:
The development consists of a material alteration of reducing first floor retail space by creating a Timpsons retail area, a Blackberry Hearing retail area and an enclosed electrical room within the front of house, at Tesco, Dublin Road, Maynooth, Co. Kildare. Access to the Tesco unit is from the ground stair/ escalator. There are also several existing escape stairs along the perimeter. Previous Fire Cert history: Fire Safety Certificate No: FSC08183, FS 07/234 & FSC2204984KE/7DN
Signify Health, Bonham Quay Block C, Bonham Quay, The Docks, Galway, galway, H91 AK1VDescription:
Tenant Office Fitout of 2nd and 3rd floors of an exiting office building. Please note: no Planning, Fire Safety nor Disability Access Cert are required for the tenant portion of the fitout works.
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Four Park Place, site previously known as site at junction of Harcourt Road and Adelaide Road, Dublin 2 Adelaide Road, Dublin, dublin_2, D02 V0R2Description:
The project consists of amendments to the development currently under construction, under commencement notice number CN0058640DC The development currently under construction, under Commencement Notice number CN0058640DC, consists of: • The provision of a nine storey including two set back storeys (over basement) commercial development with 18,464 sq. m. Gross Floor Area of office space; • The provision of a new pedestrian link from Harcourt Road through to the existing plaza area west of One Park Place, providing for access through to Hatch Street Upper from Harcourt Road; • The provision of two commercial (retail/restaurant/café) units at ground floor to Harcourt Road and Adelaide Road with a GFA of 640 sq. m (including mezzanine level) and 154 sq. m (including mezzanine level); • The provision of a single storey basement level of 2,648 sq. m. GFA which would link to the existing basement servicing One, Two and Three Park Place. Vehicular access to the basement is proposed via the existing ramp to Hatch Street Upper at Two and Three Park Place; • The provision of car parking spaces and bicycle parking spaces at the proposed basement level with associated facilities; • Public realm upgrades to Harcourt Road and Adelaide Road linking through to the plaza area west of One Park Place; • All ancillary and associated, infrastructural works, provision of plant at basement and roof levels including photovoltaic panels. The proposed amendments to this development now include; (i) Provision of part one, part two additional floors, to provide for an up to eleven storeys over basement level building; (ii) Reconfigurations of floorplates including internal layouts and core locations; (iii) Revisions to elements of permitted elevations of the new development; (iv) Increase in secure bicycle parking at basement level by 81no. to 274no.; (v) Overall, the proposal increases the development by 3,747 sq.m. to a total 25,570 sq.m. (Including basement and a minor reduction in the retail provision by 14 sq.m); (vi) All associated site development works and consequential amendments to the permitted development. The proposed development is located on the site of the old Eir (Eircom) Exchange building at Adelaide Road, and is bound by the existing Harcourt Building offices to the west, the existing Park Place office development to the north and the existing St. James House office building to the east. The development is subject to the original Fire Safety Certificate Reg.Ref. No. FSC3049/19, and Fire Safety Certificate FSC1254/22/REV granted for the amendments. These fire certs relate to a new commercial building with office space to contain a single tenant on each floor, with two independent commercial units at ground/first floors As per the commencement notice for the original development (CN0058640DC), it is envisaged that the following Phases may be the subject of individual Completion Certificates: - • The Development as described above in its entirety, • The Basement Carpark in its entirety, • The Commercial Building in its entirety, • The Commercial Building Shell and Core, • The Commercial Building Shell and Core plus an individual Office floor or floors, • The commercial units at ground/floor individually, or • Combinations of above.
Castleview, Blocks 5-12, Muirfield Drive, Naas Road, Dublin 12. Castleview, Muirfield Drive, Naas Road, Dublin 12, dublin_12Description:
Proposed revisions to previously approved Fire Safety Certificate (reg no FA/18/1225). This residential development of 249 apartments in 8 blocks ranging from 5 to 8 storey over Lower Ground Floor Carpark. The total area of the development is 32,473.6m2. It is intended to carry out the works in 3 phases as set out in the Fire cert report. The ancillary spaces, including meeting room, community facility, café and digital hub are being constructed to shell and core standard and will be subject to a further commencement notice.
Booking Holding Financial Services,78 Sir John Rogerson's Quay 4th Floor, 78 Sir John Rogerson's Quay, Dublin, dublin_2, D02 HD32Description:
Non structural tenant interior refurbishment to part of the 4th floor of an existing office. Please note the following are not required: planning permission, revised Fire Safety Cert nor Disability Access Certs.
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Fire Cert-7 day Notice Take-away retail Unit 1, 2-3 The Coombe, Dublin 8 2/3 The Coombe, dublin_8, D08 DX52Description:
Revision of an existing Fire Safety Certificate (FSC 00/1142 refers) comprising material change of use to one ground floor unit within an existing development comprising two shops on the ground floor and residential apartments on the two floors above.
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