Extension to Dwelling at ballinagard Cottage Ballinagard Rd Roscommon
Print pageDevelopment location:
Ballinagard Road, roscommon, F42 DF43
construction of a two storey extension to the existing Ballinagard Cottage, Ballinagard Rd, Roscommon
Notice type:
Commencement Notice with Opt Out Declaration
Notice number:
Commencement date:
Wednesday, 16 August, 2023
Submission date:
Wednesday, 2 August, 2023
Owner name:
Edward Conlon
Owner company:
Conlon Consulting Engineering Ltd
Owner address:
CL BuildingRacecourse Rd, Roscommon, Roscommon, roscommon, F42 et67
Builder name:
Edward Conlon
Builder address
CL BuildingRacecourse Rd, Roscommon, Roscommon, roscommon, F42 et67
Designer name:
Edward Conlon
Designer address
CL BuildingRacecourse Rd, Roscommon, Roscommon, roscommon, F42 et67