Replacement house at Shanakyle
Print pageDevelopment location:
Shanakyle Upper, tipperary, n/a
the demolition of an existing dwelling and to erect a singlestorey
replacement dwelling. The works are summarized as – a) the demolition
of existing two-storey dwelling b) the demolition of existing farm buildings c)
the provision of a new vehicular entrance d) the decommissioning of an
existing septic tank and site percolation area e) the provision of a new on-site
sewage treatment plant and associated site percolation area f) the adjustment
of site levels g) the construction of a new single-storey replacement dwelling
with domestic garage and carport and to carry out all associated site
development works.
Notice type:
Commencement Notice with Opt Out Declaration
Notice number:
Commencement date:
Tuesday, 2 April, 2024
Submission date:
Friday, 8 March, 2024
Owner name:
Patrick Clancy
Owner address:
Drangan, Thurles, Thurles, tipperary, E41 H398
Builder name:
Patrick Clancy
Builder address
Drangan, Thurles, Thurles, tipperary, E41 H398
Designer name:
martin gittens
Designer address
Gittens Murray Architects, 5 William St., Kilkenny, kilkenny, R95D594