Childcare facility at LIs Na Dara, Carrickmacross Road, Dundalk
Print pageDevelopment location:
Lis Na Dara, , Dundalk, Louth, A91 HTX3
the retention and completion of the change of use of part of the ground floor of the existing primary care unit (permitted under pa ref 08/139) to provide a child care facility approximately 152 sq.m in size with minor elevational changes to the front and rear facades, external signage to the front façade, screen fencing to extend to the southern boundary wall and all associated site development works
Notice type:
7 Day Notice
Notice number:
Commencement date:
Wednesday, 11 September, 2024
Submission date:
Monday, 2 September, 2024
Owner name:
llewellyn Farquharson
Owner address:
LIs Na Dara, Dundalk, Louth,
Builder name:
David Lynn
Builder address
Castlecarragh, Riverstown, Dundalk, Louth,
Designer name:
Paul Reilly
Designer address
10 Springfield Manor, Red Barns Road, Dundalk, Louth,
Assigned Certifier Name:
Paul Reilly
Assigned Certifier address
10 Springfield Manor, Red Barns Road, Dundalk, Louth,